PA3443 .I2 1998
Iambi et elegi Graeci ante Alexandrum cantati / |
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PA3443 .L9 1904
Anthologia lyrica, sive lyricorum Graecorum veterum praeter Pindarum reliquiae potiores / |
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PA3443 .L9 1907
Anthologia lyrica, sive lyricorum Graecorum veterum praeter Pindarum reliquiae potiores / |
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PA3443 .P28
Lyrica Graeca selecta / |
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PA3443 .P3
Poetae melici Graeci : Alcmanis, Stesichori, Ibyci, Anacreontis, Simonidis, Corinnae, poetarum minorum reliquias, carmina popularia et convivialia quaeque adespota feruntur / |
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PA3443 .R8 1968
Griechische Lyriker, griechisch und deutsch / |
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PA3443 .S5 1963
Greek melic poets. |
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PA3443 .S8 1974
Supplementum lyricis Graecis : poetarum lyricorum Graecorum fragmenta quae recens innotuerunt / |
2 |
PA3443 .W4
Iambi et elegi Graeci ante Alexandrum cantati / |
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PA3443 .W42 1980
Delectus ex iambis et elegis Graecis / |
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PA3445.D5 S88 1989
Dithyrambographi Graeci / |
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PA3445 .E4 1993
Greek elegy and iambus : being the remains of all the Greek elegiac and iambic poets from Callinus to Crates, excepting the choliambic writers / |
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PA3445.E5 H3 1859
Die griechischen Elegiker / |
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PA3445.E6 D45
Les élégiaques grecs : édition, introduction et commentaire / |
1 |
PA3445.E6 E4
Elegy and iambus : being the remains of all the Greek elegiac and iambic poets from Callinus to Crates, excepting the choliambic writers, with the Anacreontea / |
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PA3445.E6 ebook
Elegíacos helenísticos / |
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PA3445.E6 P56 2002
Poetae elegiaci testimonia et fragmenta. |
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PA3445.E6 P57
Poetarum elegiacorum testimonia et fragmenta / |
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PA3445.E6 P57 1988
Poetarum elegiacorum testimonia et fragmenta / |
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PA3445.L6 E3
Some Greek love poems / |
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