Call Number (LC) Title Results
PA3855.E5 R6 New tales from Aesop (for reading aloud) / 1
PA3855.E5 R9 1890 Aesop's fables / 1
PA3855.E5 .T4 1888 Aesop's fables : complete / 1
PA3855.E5 T46 1998 The complete fables / 1
PA3855.E5 .W37 Aesop's fables / 1
PA3855.E5 W47 1954 12 fables of Aesop. 1
PA3855.E53 H46 1571 The fabulous tales of Esope the Phrygian, Euery tale moralized most aptly to this present time, worthy to be read. 1
PA3855.E54 H66 1657 Æsopi fabulæ Anglo-Latinæ quarum singulæ in distinctas suas periodos, numericis characteribus annotatas, ita dividuntur : in eisdem transcribendis & transferendis exercitati puerili ... / 1
PA3855.E54 O3 1675 Æsopicks: or, A second collection of fables, paraphras'd in verse, adorn'd with sculpture, and illustrated with annotations. / 1
PA3855.F6 C67 1992 Second livre des fables d'Esope / 1
PA3855.F7 P3 1864 Aesop's fables in French : with a description of fifty animals mentioned therein, and a French and English dictionary of all the words contained in the work. 1
PA3855.F7 T37 1986 Les Apologues de Guillaume Tardif et les Facetiae morales de Laurent Valla / 1
PA3855 (INTERNET) The fables of young Æsop, with their morals with a moral history of his life and death, illustrated with forty curious cuts applicable to each fable. 1
PA3855.P6 B5 Biernata z Lublina Ezop / 1
PA3855.P6 B5 1954 Biernat z Lublina : Wybór pism / 1
PA3855.R7 G37 1999 Basni / 1
PA3855.S11 H651556a Aesops levned og fabler : Christiern Pedersens overaettelse af Stainhöwels Aesop / 1
PA3855.S26 H46 1571 The morall fabillis of Esope the Phrygiã, 1
PA3855.S7 B8 1990 The texts and concordances of Esopete ystoriado, Toulouse 1488 (John Rylands Library) and Ysopete ystoriado, Zaragoza 1489 (Escorial 32-I-13) 1
PA3855.S7 B87 1990 Esopete ystoriado (Toulouse 1488) / 1