Call Number (LC) Title Results
PA3873.A77 B7 Hésiode et Archiloque. 1
PA3873.A77 C57 2004 Archilochos heros : the cult of poets in the Greek polis / 1
PA3873.A77 H39 2014 Iambic poetics in the Roman Empire / 1
PA3873.A77 H39 2014eb Iambic poetics in the Roman Empire / 1
PA3873.A77 P6 Archiloque : sept exposés et discussions / 1
PA3873.A77 R3 Archilochus of Paros / 1
PA3873.A77 S95 2019 Archilochus : the poems : introduction, text, translation, and commentary / 1
PA3873.A77 W5 Archilochos. 1
PA3873.A77 Z57 Archiloque : sept exposés et discussions / 1
PA3873.A77 Z78 1983 Archilochus and the iambic poetry / 1
PA 3873 A8 1972 Opera omnia, cum commentariis Eutocii. 3
PA3873.A9 A3 2013eb Archimedis opera omnia. 1
PA3873.A93 G5 1993 Pseudo Archita : L'educazione morale (Peri paideuseōs ēthikēs) / 1
PA3873.A95 A45 Memnon : archäologische Studien zur Aithiopis / 1
PA3873.A95 A6233 2016 The Aethiopis : neo-neoanalysis reanalyzed / 1
PA3874.A3 E5 1771a The love epistles of Arist©Œnetus : translated from the Greek into English metre. 1
PA3874.A3 E5 2014 Erotic letters / 3
PA3874.A3 F8 1992 Lettres d'amour / 1
PA3874.A3 G4 1951 Erotische Briefe / 1
PA3874.A3 I8 2007 Lettere d'amore / 1