Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
PA3874.A6 L46 | The Aristeides Prolegomena. | 1 |
PA3874.A6 P334 | The glory of Athens : the popular tradition as reflected in the Panathenaicus of Aelius Aristides / | 1 |
PA3874.A6 P352 1980 | The glory of Athens : the popular tradition as reflected in the Panathenaicus of Aelius Aristides / | 1 |
PA3874.A6 R634 1981 | Die Romrede des Aelius Aristides / | 1 |
PA3874.A7 | At the limits of art : a literary study of Aelius Aristides' Hieroi logoi / | 1 |
PA3874.A7 B588 2017 | Traum - Mantik - Allegorie. | 1 |
PA3874.A7 E5 1950 | To Rome / | 1 |
PA3874.A7 E5 1981 | The complete works / | 1 |
PA3874.A7 E5 2017e | Orations / | 1 |
PA3874.A7 F7 2002 | Arts rhétoriques / | 1 |
PA3874.A7 G4 1986 | Heilige Berichte : Einleitung, deutsche Übersetzung und Kommentar / | 1 |
PA3874.A7 G5 1994 | Ailios Aristeides, Klage über Eleusis (Oratio 22) : Lesetext, Übersetzung und Kommentar / | 1 |
PA3874.A7 I8 2007 | A Roma / | 1 |
PA3874.A7 Z5 1981 | Der Athenahymnus des Ailios Aristeides : mit einem Anhang zum Höhepunkt der Athena und Testimonien zur allegorischen Deutung der Athena / | 1 |
PA3874.A7 Z5 2008 | Aelius Aristides between Greece, Rome, and the gods / | 1 |
PA3874.A7 Z5 2008eb | Aelius Aristides between Greece, Rome, and the gods / | 1 |
PA3874.A7 Z5 2010eb | Truly beyond wonders : Aelius Aristides and the cult of Asklepios / | 1 |
PA3874.A7 Z5 2012 |
Society, medicine and religion in the sacred tales of Aelius Aristides / Society, medicine and religion in the Sacred Tales of Aelius Aristides / |
2 |
PA3874.A7 Z5 2013eb | The dreams and visions of Aelius Aristides : a case-study in the history of religions / | 1 |
PA3874.A7 Z53 2002 | Un dialogo difficile : la retorica in conflitto nei Discorsi Platonici di Elio Aristide / | 1 |