PA4009.O7 S36 1966x
Hesiods Theogonie : eine unitarische Analyse. |
1 |
PA4009.O73 V47 1985
A commentary on Hesiod : Works and days, vv. l-382 / |
1 |
PA4009 .T5 1966
Theogony / |
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PA4009 .T5 1970
Theogonia; [and], Opera et dies; [and], Scutum / |
1 |
PA4009.T5 C48 2003
Hesiod's cosmos / |
2 |
PA4009.T5 C48 2003eb
Hesiod's Cosmos / |
1 |
PA4009.T5 F6 1970
Glossen und Scholien zur hesiodischen Theogonie. : Mit Prolegomena / |
1 |
PA4009.T5 M39 1928
Théogonie : Les travaux et les jours, Le bouclier / |
1 |
PA4009.T5 M49 1887
De compositione Theogoniae Hesiodeae / |
1 |
PA4009.T5 S39 2015
Hesiod's Theogony : from Near Eastern creation myths to Paradise lost / |
2 |
PA4009.T5 S76 2004
The narrative voice in the Theogony of Hesiod / |
1 |
PA4009.T53 W4 1985
The Hesiodic catalogue of women : its nature, structure, and origins / |
1 |
PA4009 .Z4 1967
Fragmenta Hesiodea / |
1 |
PA4009.Z5 ebook
Catálogo de las mujeres y otros fragmentos / |
1 |
PA4009.Z5 H47 2005
The Hesiodic Catalogue of women : constructions and reconstructions / |
1 |
PA4009.Z5 H47 2005eb
The Hesiodic Catalogue of women : constructions and reconstructions / |
1 |
PA4009.Z5 H57 2004
Gynaikōn Katalogos und Megalai Ēhoiai : ein Kommentar zu den Fragmenten zweier hesiodeischer Epen / |
1 |
PA4009.Z5 O76 2014
The Hesiodic Catalogue of women and archaic Greece / |
1 |
PA4009.Z5 O76 2014eb
The Hesiodic Catalogue of women and Archaic Greece / |
1 |
PA4009.Z73 B37 2019
The Certamen Homeri et Hesiodi : a commentary / |
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