Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
PA4253.O6 G4 1999 | Halievtica / | 1 |
PA4253.O65 I5 1968 | Incerti auctoris in Oppiani Halieutica paraphrasis / | 1 |
PA4253.O7 B37 2003 | Stories from the mountains, stories from the sea : the digressions and similes of Oppian's Halieutica and the Cynegetica / | 1 |
PA4253.O7 F3 | Überlieferungsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zu den Halieutika des Oppian. | 1 |
PA4253.O7 K54 2020 | Oppian's Halieutica : charting a didactic epic / | 2 |
PA4253.O7 M37 1999 | Oppiani Cilicis Halieuticorum concordantiae / | 1 |
PA4253 .O72 1928 | Oppian, Colluthus, Tryphiodorus / | 1 |
PA4253 .O72 1987 | Oppian. Colluthus. Tryphiodorus / | 1 |
PA4253.O72 A64 2003 | Cynegetica / | 1 |
PA4253.O83 A54 | The oracle of Baalbek : the Tiburtine Sibyl in Greek dress / | 1 |
PA4253.O83 B33 2020 | Uncovering Jewish creativity in Book III of the Sibylline oracles : gender, intertextuality, and politics / | 1 |
PA4253.O83 E5 2007 | The Sibylline oracles : with introduction, translation, and commentary on the first and second books / | 1 |
PA4253.O83 H6 | Wandel und Herkunft der Sibyllinischen Bücher in Rom ... | 1 |
PA4253.O85 C5 1971 | Oracles chaldaïques / | 1 |
PA4255 .L3 1875 | Hermanni Hageni De Oribasii versione latina Bernensi commentatio | 1 |
PA4257.O7 F57 2001 | Das Florilegium des Orion : mit einer Einleitung / | 1 |
PA4258 .A2 1867 |
Babrii Fabulae choliambicae cum fragmentis et fabulis aliunde notis / Orphica : Procli Hymni ; Musaei Carmen de Hero et Leandro ; Callimachi Hymni et épigrammata / |
2 |
PA4258 .A2 1971 | Orphica / | 1 |
PA4258.A6 F7 1987 | Les argonautiques orphiques / | 1 |
PA4258.A6 O7 | Orfeo y la cíclica expedición de los Argonautas : orígenes de Grecia y de la civilización occidental / | 1 |