Call Number (LC) Title Results
PA4274 .A5 1904 Myths from Pindar / 1
PA4274 .A5 1995 Victory odes : Olympians 2, 7, 11; Nemean 4; Isthmians 3, 4, 7 / 1
PA4274.I5 T5 Pindar: die Isthmischen Gedichte / 1
PA4274.I5 Y6 Pindar, Isthmian 7, myth and exempla / 1
PA4274 .N5 1890 The Nemean odes of Pindar / 1
PA4274.N5 B73 1998 A commentary on Pindar Nemean nine / 1
PA4274.N5 B74 1992 A commentary on Pindar Nemean One / 1
PA4274.N5 B75 1998 A commentary on Pindar Nemean nine / 1
PA4274.N5 F5 1883 Pindar : the Nemean and Isthmian odes : with notes explanatory and critical, intro., and introductory essays / 1
PA4274.O5 A36 2014 Pindars sechste olympische Siegesode : Text, Einleitung und Kommentar / 1
PA4274.O5 G48 2002 A commentary on Pindar Olympian nine / 1
PA4274.O5 M37 1999 Gli scolî metrici antichi alle Olimpiche di Pindaro : introduzione, commento e glossario metrico / 1
PA4274.P5 B74 1988 A commentary on the fourth Pythian ode of Pindar / 1
PA4274.P5 B7437 1992 Index of passages cited in Bruce Karl Braswell, A commentary on the fourth Pythian ode of Pindar / 1
PA4274.P5 B8 Pindar's Pythian odes : essays in interpretation. 1
PA4274.P5 F75 2023 Pindar's 'First Pythian Ode' : text, introduction and commentary / 1
PA4274.P5 S44 1986 Pindar's mythmaking : the fourth Pythian ode / 2
PA4274.Z5 C366 1990 Trenodie / 1
PA4274.Z5 .G75 Pindare au banquet : les fragments des scolies, édités avec un commentaire critique et explicatif. 1
PA4274.Z5 H37 Selected odes of Pindar / 1