PA4368 .A23 1988 vol. 39
L'invidia e l'odio / |
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PA4368 .A23 1988 vol. 40
La malignità di Erodoto / |
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PA4368 .A23 1988 vol. 42
Cause dei fenomeni naturali / |
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PA4368 .A23 1988 vol. 44
Questioni greche / |
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PA4368 .A23 1988 vol. 45
Il confronto tra Aristofane e Menandro : compendio / |
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PA4368 .A23 1988 vol. 46
Sull'utilità dei nemici / |
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PA4368 .A23 2019
How to be a leader : an ancient guide to wise leadership / |
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PA4368 .A23 2019ab
How to be a leader : an ancient guide to wise leadership / |
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PA4368 .A25 1997eb
Pythici dialogi : De E apud Delphos ; De Pythiae oraculis ; De defectu oraculorum / |
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PA4368.A34 W37 x, 1955
Plutarch gegen Kolotes : seine Schrift "Adversus Colotem" als philosophiegeschichtliche Quelle. |
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PA4368.A35 P58 1998
Plutarque : grecs et romains en Questions. |
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PA4368.A35 T5 1924
The manuscript-tradition of Plutarch̕s Aetia Graeca and Aetia romana / |
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PA4368 .A4 2006eb
Dialog über die Liebe : Amatorius / |
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PA4368 .A63 1994
I detti delle donne spartane : un inedito spaccato femminile della leggendaria Sparta, attraverso aneddoti e folgoranti sentenze / |
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PA4368.C75 F7 1972
Consolation à Apollonios / |
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PA4368 .D12 1998
La fortuna o La virtú di Alessandro Magno : seconda orazione / |
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PA4368.D33 G6
Untersuchungen zu Plutarchs Dialog De facie in orbe lunae. |
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PA4368.D333 G37 2023
Plutarch's moon : a new approach to De facie quae in orbe lunae apparet / |
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PA4368 .D42 1970
Le démon de Socrate / |
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PA4368 .D42 2010eb
On the daimonion of Socrates : human liberation, divine guidance and philosophy / |
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