Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
PA4369 .P4 1993 | Focione / | 1 |
PA4369.P4 G4 1997 | Plutarch's Pelopidas : a historical and philological commentary / | 1 |
PA4369.P4 H6 1980 | Plutarch's life of Pericles = Ploutarchou Perikles / | 1 |
PA4369.P43 S73 1989 | A commentary on Plutarch's Pericles / | 2 |
PA4369.S63 E4 1878 | Observationes in Plutarchi vitam Solonis / | 1 |
PA4369.T4 1892 | Plutarch's Life of Themistocles : with introduction, critical and explanatory notes, indices and map / | 1 |
PA4369 .T4 1967 | Themistokles : literary, epigraphical and archaeological testimonia / | 1 |
PA4369 ebook | Vida de Alejandro / | 1 |
PA4373 .M7 1541 | Plutarchi Chaeronei philosophi et historici clariss. Opera moralia : quae in hunc usq[ue] diem latinè extant, uniuersa : huius uiri singularem disciplinarum omniu[m] scientiam, & exquisitam rerum uarietatem, solidae eruditionis studioso notiorem esse decet, quàm ut encomium eius aliquod hic expectet : bibliotheca[m] enim totam ecquis laudarit satis. | 1 |
PA4373 .V6 1478 | [Vitae parallelae] | 1 |
PA4374 .A1 1905 | Plutarch̓s lives and writings / | 1 |
PA4374.A2 P5 1580 | Three morall treatises, no lesse pleasant then necessarie for all men to reade, VVhereof the first is called, The learned prince the second, The fruites of foes: the third, The port of rest. / | 1 |
PA4374.A2 T34 1988 | Plutarch on Sparta / | 1 |
PA4374.A2 T34 2005 | Plutarch on Sparta / | 1 |
PA4374.A5 | Plutarch's three treatises on animals : a translation with introductions and commentary / | 1 |
PA4374.A5 C7 | Plutarch's lives / | 1 |
PA4374.A5 L6 | Selected lives and essays / | 1 |
PA4374 .M6 1657 |
The philosophy commonly called The morals The philosophy commonly called the Morals |
4 |
PA4374.M6 1685 | The third volume of Plutarch's Morals | 2 |
PA4374.M6 1694 |
Plutarch's Morals Plutarch's Morals. |
7 |