Call Number (LC) Title Results
PA4473 .G55 1966 A historical commentary on Thucydides / 1
PA4485 .A45 1997 Word and concept in Thucydides / 1
PA4485 .H8 Le Vocabulaire de l'analyse psychologique dans l'œuvre de Thucydide. 1
PA4485 .R6 Die metabolē (variatio) als Stilprinzip des Thukydides / 1
PA4486 Style and necessity in Thucydides / 1
PA4486 .F74 1987 Verbalsubstantive als Namen für Satzinhalte in der Sprache des Thukydides : ein Beitrag zu einer Grammatik der Nominalisierungen im Griechischen / 1
PA4486 .S76 2008 Index of verb forms in Thucydides / 1
PA4486 .Z8 1848a Lexicon Thucydideum : confecit E.A. Betant. 1
PA4486 .Z8 1887a Index Thucydideus : ex Bekkeri editione stereotypa / 1
PA4487.T5 B37 2012eb Timaeus of Tauromenium and Hellenistic historiography / 2
PA4487.T5 B37 2013 Timaeus of Tauromenium and Hellenistic historiography / 1
PA4487.T5 B7 Timaeus of Tauromenium. 1
PA4487.T7 S5516 1989 Silli / 1
PA4488 .A18 1903 Die Perser / 1
PA4488 .A24 2002 The fragments of Timotheus of Miletus / 1
PA4488 .J36 1984 Timotheus Persae : a commentary / 1
PA4489.T5 I3 1982 Ilii excidium / 1
PA4489.T5 I314 1982 La prise d'Ilion / 1
PA4489.T6 Triphiodorus, ""The Sack of Troy"" : a General Study and a Commentary. 1
PA4489.T6 D83 1996 Triphiodorou : Iliou halosis = Triphiodor : Die Einnahme Ilions / 1