Call Number (LC) Title Results
PA6012 .E6 De personificationibus quae in poesi atque arte romanorum inveniuntur / 1
PA6012 .H47 Schriftsteller und Publikum in Rom : ein Vortrag im wissenschaftlichen Verein zu Berlin am 22 Januar 1853 gehalten. 1
PA6012 .K93 Quaestiones ad Anthologiam Latinam spectantes : particula I: De Anthologiae Latinae carminibus, quae sub Petronii nomine feruntur. Dissertatio... quam ... / 1
PA6013 .A53 1999 Ancient Roman writers / 1
PA6013 .K9 1985 Die Klassiker der römischen Literatur : die grossen Autoren von der altrömischen Republik bis zum Frühchristentum / 1
PA6013 .P678 2017eb Vice Versa. 1
PA6018.E95 C58 1999 Displaced persons : the literature of exile from Cicero to Boethius / 1
PA6018.5 .G48 2019 Author unknown : the power of anonymity in ancient Rome / 1
PA6018.5 .G48 2019eb Author unknown : the power of anonymity in ancient Rome / 1
PA6019 .B37 1994 Actors in the audience : theatricality and doublespeak from Nero to Hadrian / 1
PA6019 .B58 1997 Latinity and literary society at Rome / 1
PA6019 .B68 1994 Fiction as history : Nero to Julian / 1
PA6019 .C58 1993 Die Welt der Römer : Studien zu ihrer Literatur, Geschichte und Religion / 1
PA6019 .C59 2002 Clio and the poets : Augustan poetry and the traditions of ancient historiography / 1
PA6019 .C59 2002eb Clio and the poets : Augustan poetry and the traditions of ancient historiography / 1
PA6019 .E39 1996 Writing Rome : textual approaches to the city / 1
PA6019 .F5 1996 Roman historical myths : the regal period in Augustan literature / 1
PA6019 .G87 1995 Actium and Augustus : the politics and emotions of civil war / 1
PA6019 .H33 2005 The world of Roman song : from ritualized speech to social order / 1
PA6019 .H46 1998 Fighting for Rome : poets and Caesars, history and civil war / 1