Call Number (LC) Title Results
PA6047 .T7 Poeti latini (e neolatini) : note e saggi filologici / 1
PA6047 .T75 1998 Poeti latini (e neolatini) : note e saggi filologici, 5 serie / 1
PA6047 .T785 1994 Poeti latini (e neolatini) : note e saggi filologici, IV serie / 1
PA6047 .T9 Latin poetry : lectures delivered in 1893 on the Percy Turnbull memorial foundation in the Johns Hopkins university / 1
PA6047 .W4 1993 Promised verse : poets in the society of Augustan Rome / 1
PA6047 .W43 Figures of thought in Roman poetry / 1
PA6047 .W438 1983 The nature of Roman poetry / 1
PA6047 .W45 Tradition and originality in Roman poetry / 1
PA6047 .W49 Cinna the poet, and other Roman essays / 1
PA6047 .W496 1982 Die Parther in der augusteischen Dichtung / 1
PA6047 .W67 2016 Wordplay and powerplay in Latin poetry / 2
PA6047 .W67 2017 Word and context in Latin poetry : studies in memory of David West / 1
PA6047 .W7 1938b Three Roman poets, Plautus, Catullus, Ovid, their lives, times and works / 1
PA6047 .X56 2022 Politics and divinization in Augustan poetry / 1
PA6047 .Z55 1994 Viva vox : römische Klassik und deutsche Dichtung / 1
PA6047 ǂb G65 2005eb Constructing Literature in the Roman Republic / 1
PA6047.5 .G7 D'Ennius à Catulle : recherches sur les antécédents romains de la "poésie nouvelle." 1
PA6047.5 .P37 1981 Preistoria della poesia romana / 1
PA6047.5 .S9 1968 Untersuchungen zur Selbstdarstellung älterer römischer Dichter : Livius Andronicus, Naevius, Ennius. 1
PA6050 In the Image of the Ancestors Narratives of Kinship in Flavian Epic
Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past.