PA6389 .F8 1970
Fabii Planciadis Fulgentii v. c. Opera : accedunt Fabii Caludii Gordiani Fulgentii v. c. De aetaibus mundi et hominis et s. Fulgentii episcopi Super Thebaiden / |
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PA6389.F8 D4 2003
Le età del mondo e dell'uomo / |
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PA6389.F8 E5 1971
Fulgentius the mythographer / |
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PA6389.F8 M9838 2018
Il prologus delle "Mythologiae" di Fulgenzio : introduzione, testo critico, traduzione e commento / |
1 |
PA6389.F9 F7 1911a
Fulgentius, der mythograph und bischof / |
1 |
PA6389.F95 Z55
De Arellio Fusco commentatio / |
1 |
PA6389.F96 A63 1991
Carmina |
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PA6389.G2 I5 1841
Gaii Institvtionvm commentarii qvattvor / |
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PA6389.G24 I5 vol. 1
Gai institutiones, secundum codicis veronensis apographum studemundianum et reliquias in aegypto repertas / |
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PA6389.G24 I5 vol. 2-3
Institutionum commentarii IV : mit philologischem Kommentar / |
1 |
PA6389.G24 I5 vol. 4
Pauli Sententiarum, fragmentum Leidense : (Cod. Leid. B. P. L. 2589) / |
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PA6389.G24 I5 vol. 6
Überlieferung, Aufbau und Stil von Gai Institutiones / |
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PA6389.G24 I5 vol. 7
Gai Institutiones III, 1-87 : Intestaterbfolge und sonstige Arten von Gesamtnachfolge : Text und Kommentar / |
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PA6389.G24 Z8 1910a
Vocabolario delle Instituzioni di Gaio / |
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PA6389.G29 A67 1991
Historiae |
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PA6389 .G295 1991
[The works of C. Asinius Gallus] |
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PA6389 .G3 1991
[The works of C. Cornelius Gallus] |
1 |
PA6389.G3 C37 2003
PA6389.G3 Z78 1984
Cornelio Gallo e l'elegia ellenistico-romana : studio dei nuovi frammenti / |
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PA6389.G4 A75 1991
Sine nomine |
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