Call Number (LC) Title Results
PA6519.M9 J64 2008eb Ovid before exile : art and punishment in the Metamorphoses /
Ovid before exile art and punishment in the Metamorphoses /
PA6519.M9 J85 1972 Philemon und Baucis : der Tod in der mythischen und in der technischen Welt / 1
PA6519.M9 K4 1992 The play of fictions : studies in Ovid's Metamorphoses Book 2 / 1
PA6519.M9 K58 1985 Narcissus and the invention of personal history / 1
Your match would be here.
PA6519.M9 K59 1986 Ovid's Metamorphoses and the traditions of Augustan poetry / 1
PA6519.M9 K78 2009 Distanz und Bedeutung : Ovids Metamorphosen und die Frage der Ironie / 1
PA6519.M9 L2 1904 Les Métamorphoses d'Ovide et leurs modèles grecs / 1
PA6519.M9 L38 1998 Latin commentaries on Ovid from the Renaissance / 1
PA6519.M9 L4 Ovid's Metamorphoses : prolegomena to a revision of Hugo Magnus' edition / 1
PA6519.M9 L58 2011 Ovid's Metamorphoses : a reader's guide / 1
PA6519.M9 L58 2011eb Ovid's Metamorphoses : a reader's guide / 1
PA6519.M9 L8 Struktur und Einheit der Metamorphosen Ovids. 1
PA6519.M9 L825 Ovids Metamorphosen und die Politik des Kaisers / 1
PA6519.M9 L96 2001 Ovid's changing worlds : English Metamorphoses, 1567-1632 / 1
PA6519.M9 M26 2001 Reading the Ovidian heroine : "Metamorphoses" commentaries 1100-1618 / 1
PA6519.M9 M49 2020 Metamorphic readings : transformation, language, and gender in the interpretation of Ovid's Metamorphoses / 1
PA6519.M9 M53 2001 Ancient etymologies in Ovid's Metamorphoses : a commented lexicon / 1
PA6519.M9 M6 A commentary on Ovid Metamorphoses II / 1
PA6519.M9 M94 1994 Ovid's causes : cosmogony and aetiology in the Metamorphoses / 1
PA6519.M9 N55 2004 Ovidius Polytropos : metanarrative in Ovid's Metamorphoses / 1