Call Number (LC) Title Results
PA6522 .A3 1990 Ovid, the love poems / 1
PA6522 .A3 2014 The offense of love : Ars Amatoria, Remedia Amoris, and Tristia 2 / 1
PA6522 .A3 2014b Ovid's erotic poems : "Amores" and "Ars amatoria" / 1
PA6522 .A3 2014beb Ovid's erotic poems : "Amores" and "Ars amatoria" / 1
PA6522 .A3 2014eb The offense of love : Ars Amatoria, Remedia Amoris, and Tristia 2 / 1
PA6522.A3 D4 1650 Publii Ovidii Nasonis De arte amandi, or, The art of love Englished. 1
PA6522.A3 D4 1677 Ovid's De arte amandi and, The remedy of love, Englished : as also the loves of Hero & Leander, a mock poem : together with choice poems and rare pieces of drollery. 2
PA6522.A3 D42 1672 Ovid's De arte amandi and the remedy of love Englished : as also the loves of Hero & Leander,a mock-poem : together with choice poems and rare pieces of drollery. 2
PA6522 .A7 1925 Ovid's Elegies / 1
PA6522 .A7 1973 Ovid Amores I /
Ovid's elegies /
PA6522 .A77 1625 Loves schoole Publii Ovidii Nasonis de arte amandi, or, The art of loue.
Loues schoole Publii Ovidii Nasonis de arte amandi, or, The art of love.
PA6522 .A8 1959 The art of love, and other love books of Ovid / 1
PA6522.A8 B56 1987 L'art d'amours = The art of love / 1
PA6522.A8 H49 2000 Thomas Heywood's Art of love : the first complete English translation of Ovid's Ars amatoria / 1
PA6522.A8 M6 1962 The art of love, and other poems / 1
PA6522.A8 M6 1971 The art of love / 1
PA6522.F2 B69 2000 Fasti / 1
PA6522.F2 N34 1995 Ovid's Fasti : Roman holidays / 1
PA6522.F2 W58 2011 Ovid : times and reasons : a new translation of Fasti / 1
PA6522 .F37 1640 Ovids festivalls, or, Romane calendar 1