PA6791.V7 O8
Léxico de Valerio Máximo / |
1 |
PA6791.V7 S7 1999
Texts and concordances of Juan Alfonso de Zamora's Spanish translation of Los nueve libros de Valerio Maximo as contained in BNM MS. 2208 / |
1 |
PA6791.V7 T73 2022
Die Erzählungen des Valerius Maximus / |
1 |
PA6791 .V8 1993
Iuli Valeri Res gestae Alexandri Macedonis translatae ex Aesopo graeco / |
1 |
PA6791 .V8 2004
Res gestae Alexandri Macedonis / |
1 |
PA6791 .V84 1991
Carmina |
1 |
PA6791.V93 A63 1991
Carmina |
1 |
PA6791.V95 A63 1991
[The carmina of C. Valgius Rufus] |
1 |
PA6791 .V97 1991
[The works of L. Varius Rufus] |
1 |
PA6791 ǂb C655 2015eb
Colloquia of the Hermeneumata Pseudodositheana. |
1 |
PA6792 .A2 1573
M. Terentii Varronis Opera quae supersunt. : In lib. De ling. Lat. coniectanea / |
1 |
Declinatio : a study of the linguistic theory of Marcus Terentius Varro. |
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PA6792 .A3 1788
M. Ter. Varronis De lingua latina libri qui supersunt : cum fragmentis ejusdem / |
1 |
PA6792 .A3 1910a
De lingua latina quae supersunt / |
1 |
PA6792 .A3 1967
La lingua latina, libro x. / |
1 |
PA6792 .A3 1979
M. Terenti Varronis De lingua Latina libri / |
1 |
PA6792 .A3 1991
De lingua Latina |
1 |
PA6792.A3 P49
Quartus gradus etymologiae : Untersuchungen zur Etymologie Varros in "De lingua Latina" / |
1 |
PA6792.A3 S64 2019
Language and authority in De lingua Latina : Varro's guide to being Roman / |
1 |
PA6792.A3 T3 1975
Declinatio : a study of the linguistic theory of Marcus Terentius Varro / |
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