Call Number (LC) Title Results
PA6824 .H35 1966 Vitae Vergilianae antiquae : vita Donati, vita Servii, vita Probiana, vita Focae, S. Hieronymi excerpta / 1
PA6824 .K35 2007 The other Virgil : 'pessimistic' readings of the Aeneid in early modern culture / 1
PA6824 .P6 1976 Symbolarum libri xvii Virgilii : Augsburg, 1599 / 1
PA6824 .W35 2010 Virgil's schoolboys : the poetics of pedagogy in Renaissance England / 1
PA6825 Vergil's Aeneid and the Roman Self : Subject and Nation in Literary Discourse.
Propertius, Greek myth, and Virgil : rivalry, allegory, and polemic /
Virgil and his translators /
Shaggy crowns : Ennius' Annales and Virgil's Aeneid /
A commentary on Vergil.
The epic distilled : studies in the composition of the Aeneid /
Elegiac love and death in Vergil's Aeneid /
VIRGIL'S AENEID a critical description.
Vergil the poet's life /
Meminisse iuvabit : selections from the proceedings of the Virgil Society /
VIRGILIAN TRADITION II books and their readers in the renaissance.
Vergil's green thoughts : plants, humans, and the divine /
PA6825.A2 D39 2023 English humanism and the reception of Virgil c. 1400-1550 / 1
PA6825.A2 P76 Proceedings of the Virgil Society. 1
PA6825.A2 V47 The Vergilian digest.
PA6825 .A3 1966 Virgil : a collection of critical essays / 1
PA6825 .A3 1966a Wege zu Vergil. : 3 Jahrzehnte Begegnungen in Dichtung und Wissenschaft. 1
PA6825 .A3 1969 Virgil / 1
PA6825 .A3 1969b Virgil / 1
PA6825 .A3 1971 Vergiliana. : Recherches sur Virgile / 1
PA6825 .A3 1978 Présence de Virgile : actes du colloque des 9, 11 et 12 décembre 1976 : Paris E.N.S., Tours / 1
PA6825 .A3 1982 Virgilio, en el bimilenario de su muerte / 1
PA6825 .A3 1982b 2000 Jahre Vergil : ein Symposion / 1
PA6825 .A3 1984 Enciclopedia virgiliana. 1
PA6825 .A3 1986 Virgil / 2
PA6825 .A3 1986b Vergil at 2000 : commemorative essays on the poet and his influence / 2
PA6825 .A3 1990 Virgilio e gli Augustei / 1