Call Number (LC) Title Results
PA85.C3 G73 2011eb "I have always loved the holy tongue" Isaac Casaubon, the Jews, and a forgotten chapter in Renaissance scholarship /
"I have always loved the holy tongue" : Isaac Casaubon, the Jews, and a forgotten chapter in Renaissance scholarship /
PA85.C3 N87 2003 Dead from the waist down : scholars and scholarship in literature and the popular imagination / 1
PA85.C3 N87 2004 Dead from the waist down : scholars and scholarship in literature and the popular imagination / 1
PA85.C4 A4 1997 Collected letters of a Renaissance feminist / 1
PA85.C4 A4 1997eb Collected letters of a Renaissance feminist / 1
PA85.C4 R3 Laura Cereta, quattrocento humanist / 2
PA85.C55 P76 1989 Petrus Antonius de Clapis (ca. 1440-1512) : ein italienischer Humanist im Dienste Friedrich des Siegreichen von der Pfalz / 1
PA85.C6 V4 2002 Vertis in usum : Studies in honor of Edward Courtney / 1
PA85.C63 G6 1949 O renascimento em Portugal : Clenardo e a sociedade portuguesa do seu tempo / 1
PA85.C7 A3 1975 Die Liebe der Günderode : Friedrich Creuzers Briefe an Caroline von Günderode / 1
PA85.C7 Z7 Zum Andenken an Georg Curtius. 1
PA85.C74 P3 Il Croce e le letterature classiche. 1
PA85.D25 M6 1993 L'abate Gaetano Dalla Piazza, traduttore di Dante / 1
PA85.D27 E66 2010 Les époux Dacier / 1
PA85.D27 F3 Madame Dacier : scholar and humanist / 1
PA85.D27 F3 1976 Madame Dacier : scholar and humanist / 1
PA85.D27 S26 1984 Madame Dacier, una filologa nella "crisi" (1672-1720) / 1
PA85.D54 H476 1999 Hermann Diels (1848-1922) et la science de l'antiquité : huit exposés suivis de discussions / 1
PA85.D6 A35 Missing persons : an autobiography / 1
PA85.D6 R43 2019 Rediscovering E.R. Dodds : scholarship, education, poetry, and the paranormal / 1