Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
PA8517 .D42 1534 | De ciuilitate morum puerilium | 1 |
PA8517 .D42 1554 | De ciuilitate morum puerilium | 1 |
PA8517 .D42 1560 | The ciuilitie of childehode with the discipline and institucion of children, distributed in small and compe[n]dious chapiters / | 1 |
PA8517 .D43 1528 | Des. Erasmi Rot. De conte[m]ptu mundi epistola, quam conscripsit in gratiam ac nomine Theodorici Harlemij Canonici ordinis diui Augustini. | 1 |
PA8517.D43 (INTERNET) |
De ciuilitate morun [sic] puerilium De co[n]temptu mundi The dispisyng of the worlde / |
2 |
PA8517.D45 (INTERNET) |
Declamatio in laudem nobilissimæ artis medicinæ A declamacion in the prayse and co[m]me[n]dation of the most hygh and excellent science of phisyke, / An epystell of ye famous doctor Erasm[us] of Roterdam vnto the reuerende father & excellent prince, Christofer bysshop of Basyle, co[n]cernyng the forbedynge of eatynge of flesshe, and lyke constitutyons of men. &c. |
2 |
PA8517.D46 (INTERNET) | De immensa dei misericordia A sermon of the excedynge great mercy of god, / | 1 |
PA8517.D47 (INTERNET) | Preparation to deathe A booke as deuout as eloquent, / | 1 |
PA8517.D48 (INTERNET) | A deuoute treatise vpon the Pater noster | 1 |
PA8517 .D53 1620 | Dicta sapientum, e graecis d. Erasmo Roterod. interprete. | 1 |
PA8517.D53 (INTERNET) | The dyaloge bytwene Iulius the seconde, Genius, and saynt Peter ... | 1 |
PA8517 .E514 | Déclamation des louenges de mariage, 1525 / | 1 |
PA8517 .E52 1548 | [Enchiridion militis Christiani, which may be called in englyshe ye hansome weapon of a Chrysten knyght] [replenyshed with many goodlye and godlye preceptes / | 1 |
PA8517 .E53 1525 | Enchiridion militis christiani : salvberrimis præceptis refertũ / | 1 |
PA8517 (INTERNET) | A treatise perswadynge a man patientlye to suffre the deth of his frende | 1 |
PA8517 .L54 1533 | Liber de sarcienda ecclesiae concordia, déque sedandis opinionum dissidiis, cum aliis nonnullis lectu dignis. Omnia recèns nata, & nunc primùm typis excusa. / | 1 |
PA8517.L58 (INTERNET) | A sermon | 1 |
PA8517.M38 (INTERNET) | A ryght frutefull epystle | 1 |
PA8517.M47 (INTERNET) | A mery dialogue, declaringe the propertyes of shrowde shrewes, and honest wyues not onelie verie pleasaunte, but also not a lytle profitable / | 1 |
PA8517.O64 2010 | IV-4 Ordinis quarti tomus quartus : Apophthegmatum libri I-IV. | 1 |