PA8570.P5 D4
De sermone libri sex. / |
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PA8570.P5 D4633 1993
Per l'edizione critica del "De principe" di Giovanni Pontano / |
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PA8570.P5 Z48 2016
The Accademia Pontaniana : a model of a humanist network / |
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PA8570.Q28 A53 1996
Ecloghe scelte : il sentimento della natura nella poesia pastorale del sec. XIV / |
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Of gardens |
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PA8570.R43 E64
Epistolæ Joannis Ravisii Textoris non vulgaris eruditionis: nunc recens, in gratiam studiosæ juventutis, multò quàm antehac unquam emendatiores in lucem editæ |
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PA8570.R43 E64 1631
Epistolæ Joannis Ravisii Textoris non vulgaris eruditionis. |
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PA8570.R43 E64 1647
Epistolae Joannis Ravisii Textoris, non vulgaris eruditionis, |
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PA8570.R43 E64 1653
Epistolae Joan. Ravisii textoris, non vulgaris eruditionis: nunc recens in gratiam studiosae juventutis, multo quam antehac unquam emendatiores in lucem editae. |
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PA8570.R43 E64 1683
Epistolæ Joan, Ravisii Textoris non vulgaris eruditionis. |
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PA8570.R433 A6 1626
Officinae Ioannis Rauisii Textoris epitome. Opus nunc necens summa diligentia recognitum, & indice copiosiss imo locupletatum. |
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PA8570.R433 .E65 1616
Epistolae Ioannis Ravisii Textoris, non vulgaris eruditionis: nunc recèns in gratiam studiosae iuuentutis multò quàm antehac vnquam emandatiores in lucem editae. |
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PA8570.R433 (INTERNET)
A new enterlude called Thersytes thys enterlude folowynge dothe declare howe that the greatest boesters are not the greatest doers. The names of the players Thersites a boster. Mulciber a smyth. Mater a mother. Miles a knyght. Telemachus a childe. |
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PA8570.R433 Z48 1673
Epistolæ Joan. Ravisii Textoris, non vulgaris eruditionis. Nunc recèns, in gratiam studiosæ juventutis, multo quam antehac unquam emendatiores in lucem editæ |
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PA8570.R47 A25 1998
André de Resende's Poemata Latina = Latin poems / |
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PA8570.R48 J8315 2004
Simon Rettenpachers Komödie Judicium Phoebi, de nostri saeculi vatibus : Einleitung, lateinischer Text, Übersetzung und Kommentar / |
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PA8570.R5 A47 1998
Johannes Reuchlin : Deutschlands erster Humanist : ein biographisches Lesebuch / |
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PA8570.R5 B7
Johannes Reuchlin und sein Kampf : eine historische Monographie. |
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PA8570.R5 R86 2002
The case against Johann Reuchlin : religious and social controversy in sixteenth-century Germany / |
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PA8570.R7 L436 1997
L'armonia del sapere : i Lectionum antiquarum libri di Celio Rodigino / |
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