Call Number (LC) Title Results
PA8585.V39 H5718 1993 Historia Baetica : la caduta di Granata nel 1492 / 1
PA8585.V397 P385 1998 Pier Paolo Vergerio and the Paulus, a Latin comedy / 1
PA8585.V397 Z8 1996 Pierpaolo Vergerio the Elder : the humanist as orator / 2
PA8585.V4 A25 1663 The works of the famous antiquary, Polidore Virgil containing the original of all arts, sciences, mysteries, orders, rites, and ceremonies, both ecclesiastical and civil : a work useful for all divines, historians, lawyers, and all artificers / 2
PA8585.V4 A25 2002 On discovery / 1
PA8585.V4 A27 An abridgement of the works of the most learned Polidore Virgil being an history of the inventors and original beginning of all antiquities, arts, mysteries, sciences, ordinances, orders, rites and ceremonies, both civil and religious : also, of all sects and schisms ... / 2
PA8585.V4 (INTERNET) The works of the famous antiquary, Polidore Virgil containing the original of all arts, sciences, mysteries, orders, rites, and ceremonies, both ecclesiastical and civil : a work useful for all divines, historians, lawyers, and all artificers / 1
PA8585.V4 Z6 Polydore Vergil : Renaissance historian and man of letters. 1
PA8585.V45 C3 1999 Karoli vestigia magna secutus : die Rezeption des 'Aachener Karlsepos' in der Carlias des Ugolino Verino / 1
PA8585.V48 H4 1964 Henry VIII : a Neo-Latin drama / 1
PA8585.V58 A6 2013 Minora : scritti latini storici e d'occasione / 1
PA8585.V6 A66 1978 The Christiad / 1
PA8585.V6 A66 2009 Christiad / 1
PA8585 .V6D5 Vida's Christiad and Vergilian epic. 1
PA8585.V6 Z85 2001 Die lateinische Poetik des Marco Girolamo Vida und ihre Rezeption bei Julius Caesar Scaliger / 1
PA8585.V64 D4 1997 Philippi Villani De origine civitatis Florentie et de eiusdem famosis civibus / 1
PA8585.V67 P37 1990 Paria / 1
PA8588 .A6 1984 Ioannis Lodovici Vivis Valentini Praefatio in leges Ciceronis ; et, Aedes legum / 1
PA8588.A693 ebook Juan Luis Vives, autor del 'Lazarillo de Tormes' / 1
PA8588 .A7 1943 Diálogos / 1