Call Number (LC) Title Results
PA891.A2 W7 The participle in the book of Acts / 1
PA891.H4 S54 2014 The Shepherd of Hermas in Latin Critical Edition of the Oldest Translation Vulgata. 1
PA891.J6 A2 Johannine grammar. 1
PA895.B3 C3 1922 The influence of the second sophistic on the style of the sermons of St. Basil the Great / 1
PA895.C5 F3 Zu den Jugendschriften des Johannes Chrysostomos : Untersuchungen zum Klassizismus des vierten Jahrhunderts. 1
PA895.G7 K56 1987 Untersuchungen zu Stil und Rhythmus bei Gregor von Nyssa : ein Beitrag zum Rhetorikverständnis der griechischen Väter / 1
PA918 .L3 1953 Sobre la universidad hispán[i]ca. 1
PA1000 .F64 Folia neohellenica. 1
PA1002 .A87 1971 La terminologie du livre-manuscrit à l'époque byzantine / 1
PA1005 .H43 Hellēnika. 1
PA1005 .H472 v.17 To lexiko tou Photiou : chronologēsē-Cheirographē paradosē 1
PA1009 .C64 Cahiers de l'Institut du moyen-âge grec et latin / 1
PA1025 .S33 Observations on the activities of the Byzantine grammarians of the Palaeologian era. 1
PA1026 .A97 Papers in memory of George C. Pappageotes. 1
PA1029.A3 S77 1872 Strive and succeed, or, The progress of Walter Conrad / 1
PA1047.U5 S4 Modern Greek and American English in contact / 1
PA1050 Reduplication at the Word Level.
La lengua griega en Bizancio /
PA1050 .B5 Kazantzakis and the linguistic revolution in Greek literature. 1
PA1050 .B5 1972eb Kazantzakis and the linguistic revolution in Greek literature / 1
PA1050 .B7 Medieval and modern Greek. 1