Call Number (LC) Title Results
PB1399.M24 .M338 2003 An Geall. 1
PB1399.N473 An Dealg sa bhFéar : danta 1968-1984 / 1
PB1399.N473 A2 1993 Pharaoh's daughter / 1
PB1399.N473 A88 1993 The Astrakhan cloak / 1
PB1399.N48 A6 2000 The water horse : poems in Irish / 1
PB1399.N49 A27 1996 Unshed tears = deora nár caoineadh. 1
PB1399.N527 .N574 2004 Aistriú 1
PB1399.N57 Z54 2000 Máire Bhuí Ní Laoire : a poet of her people / 1
PB1399.O23 Ón tSeanam Anall. 1
PB1399.O28 Graveyard Clay : Cré na Cille /
The Dregs of the Day
The Dregs of the Day.
The quick and the dead : selected stories /
PB1399.O28 .C74 2009 Cré na cille / 1
PB1399.O28 C7413 2015eb The dirty dust : crè na cille / 1
PB1399.O28 D3 Dánta / 1
PB1399.O375 Iad Seo Nach bhFaca. 1
PB1399.O4 Scothscéalta. 1
PB1399.O4 O266 2008 Padraic O Conaire Rogha Scealta. 1
PB1399.O41242 The Colours of Man.
Seachrán Jeaic Sheáin Johnny /
Sna fir /
Na trí mhíoltóg.
PB1399.O41242 F43 1997eb An fear a phléasc 1
PB1399.O41242 .O366 2003 An Fear nach nDéanann Gáire. 1
PB1399.O4234 .O357 2010 Mairtin O Direain : Na Danta. 1