Call Number (LC) Title Results
PB13 .S6 vol.10, no.1 La pensée religieuse de Rousseau et ses récents interprètes / 1
PB13 .S6 vol.10, no.2 Aspectos de la personalidad del rey español en la literatura hispana-arábiga / 1
PB13 .S6 vol.13 The dramatic art of Moreto / 1
PB13 .S6 vol. 14, no. 1-2 Amelia Alderson Opie : worldling and friend / 1
PB13 .S6 vol.14, no.3-4 Die erste deutsche Romeo-übersetzung / 1
PB13 .S6 vol. 15, no. 1-2 The relation of history to drama in the works of Friedrich Hebbel / 1
PB13 .S6 vol. 15, no. 3-4 The complete letter writer in English, 1568-1800 / 1
PB13 .S6 vol. 16, no. 1-3 The literary career of Richard Graves : the author of The spiritual Quixote / 1
PB13 .S6 vol. 16, no. 4 The microscope and English imagination / 1
PB13 .S6 vol. 17, no. 1 Victor Hugo during the second republic / 1
PB13 .S6 vol. 17, no. 2 A world in the moon : a study of the changing attitude toward the moon in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries / 1
PB13 .S6 vol. 17, no.3-4 The generation of 1898 in Spain as seen through its fictional hero / 1
PB13 .S6 vol.18 L'évolution d'un genre : le livret d'opéra en France de Gluck à la révolution (1774-1793) / 1
PB13 .S6 vol.19, no.1 The man in the moone and Nuncius inanimatus / 1
PB13 .S6 vol. 19, no. 2 Richardson's Familiar letters and the domestic conduct books : Richardson's Æsop / 1
PB13 .S6 vol. 19, no. 3-4 Contribución al estudio del tema de don Juan en el teatro español / 1
PB13 .S6 vol. 20, no. 3-4 Dostoevsky's English reputation (1881-1936) / 1
PB13 .S6 vol.21, no. 1/4 Essays contributed in honor of President William Allan Neilson / 1
PB13 .S6 vol. I, no. 1-4 Les doctrines littéraires de la Quotidienne, 1814-1830 : un chapitre de l'histoire du mouvement romantique en France / 1
PB13 .S6 vol. III, no. 3 The tradition of the goddess Fortuna in Roman literature and the transitional period / 1