Call Number (LC) Title Results
PC1460 .K56 2004eb Using Italian : a guide to contemporary usage / 1
PC1460 .P4 A dictionary of colorful Italian idioms : a treasury of expressions most commonly found in Italian speech and writing today, with their American equivalents / 1
PC1460 .P4 1958 Parlare italiano / 1
PC1460 .P4 1965A A dictionary of colorful Italian idioms / 1
PC1460 .R49 2006 Hide this Italian book / 2
PC1460 .R67 2014eb Exercises in idiomatic Italian : through literal translation from the English / 1
PC1460 .S35 Come si dice. : Uso e abuso della lingua italiana. 1
PC1460 .V54 2014eb Idiomatic constructions in Italian : a lexicon-grammar approach / 1
PC1498 .D47 1991 Guidebook to translating from Italian into English / 1
PC1498 .I75 2006 Italian culture : interactions, transpositions, translations / 1
PC1498 .T45 2000 Thinking Italian translation : a course in translation method : Italian into English / 1
PC1498 .T45 2015 Thinking Italian translation : a course in translation method: Italian to English / 1
PC1505 The Politics of Poetics : Poetry and Social Activism in Early-Modern through Contemporary Italy. 1
PC1505 .C29 Nozioni di metrica storica / 1
PC1505 .C3 Trattato elementare di metrica e rimario pratico della lingua italiana / 1
PC1505 .D5 1983 Teoria e prassi della versificazione / 1
PC1505 .E416 Versificazione italiana dalle origini ai giorni nostri. 1
PC1505 .F82 1962a Metrica e poesia : lezioni sulle forme metriche italiane / 1
PC1505 .O74 1994 Manuale di metrica italiana / 1
PC1505 .P3 Teoria e analisi metrica / 1