Call Number (LC) Title Results
PC162 .M46 2000 Infinitive constructions with specified subjects : a syntactic analysis of the Romance languages / 1
PC162 -- M46 2000eb Infinitive Constructions with Specified Subjects : a Syntactic Analysis of the Romance Languages. 1
PC162 .R65 2014 Romance Perspectives on Construction Grammar / 1
PC162 .S35 2004 The inflected infinitive in Romance languages / 1
PC162 .S35 2004eb The inflected infinitive in the Romance languages
The inflected infinitive in the Romance languages /
PC162 .V45 2020eb Past participle agreement : a study on the grammaticalization of formal features / 1
PC164 .L38 1999 Past participles from Latin to Romance / 1
PC164 .L9 Syntaxe du gérondif et du participe présent dans les lagues romanes. 1
PC165.A8 B4 Studien zum Funktionswandel bei Auxiliarien und Semi-Auxiliarien in den romanischen Sprachen : morpholog.-syntakt. Untersuchungen über gehen, haben, sein / 1
PC165.P4 S68 1998 Verbal periphrases in Romance : aspect, actionality, and grammaticalization / 1
PC171 .M3 Synonymes romans de l'interrogatif qualis. 1
PC181 .J43 1894 Recherches sur l'origine de la conjonction "que" et des formes romanes équivalentes. 1
PC191.C4 R62 1990 The syntactic recoverability of null arguments / 1
PC191.C54 Romance object clitics : microvariation and linguistic change / 1
PC191.C54 U47 2021 Unraveling the complexity of SE / 1
PC191.N4 N44 2007 La négation dans les langues romanes / 1
PC201 East and west of the Pentacrest : linguistic studies in honor of Paula Kempchinsky /
Contributions of romance languages to current linguistic theory /
PC201 .D563 2018 Comparative and Diachronic Perspectives on Romance Syntax. 1
PC201 .D57 2014eb Discourse segmentation in romance languages / 1
PC201 .H3 The evolution of French syntax : a comparative approach / 2