Call Number (LC) Title Results
PC2101 .S64 1985 Grammaire de la langue française du XVIIe siècle / 1
PC2101 .S83 1988 Zu den Anfängen der französischen Grammatiksprache : Textausgaben und Wortschatzstudien / 1
PC2101 .T6 Précis historique de grammaire française. 1
PC2103 .B47 1688 A new, plain, short, and compleat French and English grammar whereby the learner may attain in few months to speak and write French correctly, as they do now in the court of France. And wherein all that is dark, superfluous, and deficient in other grammars is plain, short, and methodically supplied. Also very useful to strangers that are desirous to learn the English tongue, for whose sake is added a short but very exact English grammar. / 1
PC2103 .B47 1693 A new, plain, short, and compleat French and English grammar whereby the learner may attain in few months to speak and write French correctly, as they do now in the court of France, and wherein all that is dark, superfluous, and deficient in other grammars is plain, short, and methodically supplied : also very useful to strangers that are desirous to learn the English tongue, for whose sake is added a short but very exact English grammar / 4
PC2103 .B47 1700 A new, plain, short, and compleat French and English grammar whereby the learner may attain in few months to speak and write French correctly ... and wherein all that is dark, superfluous, or deficient in other grammars is plain, short, and methodically supplied, also very useful to strangers desirous to learn the English-tongue, for whose sake is added a short, but very exact English grammar / 2
PC2103 .C38 2001 Grammaire française (1586) : texte latin original / 1
PC2103 .C5 1973 Essay d'une parfaite grammaire de la langue françoise (1659) 1
PC2103 .C6 1983 La syntaxe de Louis Meigret à travers "L'histoire de C. Crispe Saluste touchant la coniuration de L. Serge Catelin" (1547) / 1
PC2103 .D44 1592 The French alphabeth [sic] teaching in a very short tyme, by a most easie way, to pronounce French naturally, to reade it perfectly, to write it truely, and to speake it accordingly : together vvith The treasure of the French toung, conteyning the rarest sentences, pouerbes [sic], parables, similies, apothegmes and golden sayings of the most excellent French authours, as vvell potes [sic] as orators : the one diligently compiled, and the other painfully gathered and set in order, after the alphabeticall maner, for the benefite of those that are desirous of the French toung / 1
PC2103 .D44 1631 The French alphabet teaching in a very short time, by a most easie way, to pronounce French naturally, to read it perfectly, to write it truly, and to speak it accordingly : together with The treasure of the French tongue, containing the rarest sentences, prouerbs, parables, similies, apothegmes and golden sayings of the most excellent French authors, as well poets as orators : the one diligently compiled, and the other painfully gathered and set in order, after the alphabeticall manner, for the benefit of those that are desirous of the French tongue / 1
PC2103 .D44 1647 The French alphabet, teaching in a very short time by a most easie way to pronounce French naturally, to read it perfectly, to write it truly, and to speak it accordingly together with The treasure of the French tongue, containing the rarest sentences, proverbs, parables, similies, apothegmes and golden sayings of the most excellent French authours, as well poets as orators ... / 2
PC2103 .E72 1968a Hypomneses de gall. lingva : peregrinis eam discentibus necessariÆ: guÆdã verò ipsis etiam Gallis profuturÆ. Inspersa sunt nonnulla, partim ad grÆcam, partim ad lat. linguam pertinentia, minimè vulgaria / 1
PC2103 .E74 2003 Traicté de la grammaire francoise : (1557) / 1
PC2103 .G57 1982 Les vrais principes de la langue françoise : édition de Paris, 1747 / 1
PC2103 .H65 1649 The French schoolemaster wherein is most plainly shewed the true and perfect way of pronouncing the French tongue, to the furtherance of all those who would gladly learne it / 2
PC2103 .H65 1660 The French schoolemaster shewing the true and perfect way of pronouncing the French tongue to the furtherance of those who desire to learn it / 2
PC2103 .K554 2021 Rise of gothic novel / 1
PC2103 .L59 1967 La Grammaire française et les grammairiens du XVIe siècle / 1
PC2103 .M2 1693 Nouvelle double grammmaire francoise-angloise et angloise-francoise
Nouvelle double grammaire francoise-angloise et angloise-francoise