Call Number (LC) Title Results
PE1075 .B28 2000eb Alphabet to email how written English evolved and where it's heading / 1
PE1075 .B28 2002eb Alphabet to email : how written English evolved and where it's heading / 1
PE1075 .B3 A history of the English language / 1
PE1075 .B3 1935 A history of the English language / 1
PE1075 .B3 1957 A history of the English language /
A history of the English language.
PE1075 .B3 1963 A history of the English language. 1
PE1075 .B3 1978 A history of the English language / 1
PE1075 .B3 1993 A history of the English language / 1
PE1075 .B36 2004eb English in modern times, 1700-1945 / 1
PE1075 .B43 2014 English in modern times, 1700-1945 1
PE1075 .B45 1996 A history of the English language / 1
PE1075 .B5 A linguistic introduction to the history of English / 1
PE1075 .B64 1972 A short history of literary English / 1
PE1075 .B66 2004 The adventure of English : the biography of a language / 2
PE1075 .B6613 An introduction to the history of the English language / 1
PE1075 .B7 1964 A history of the English language. 1
PE1075 .B75 1960a Die englische Sprache, ihre geschichtliche Entwicklung. 2., überarbeitete Aufl. 1
PE1075 .C36 2016 The Cambridge handbook of English historical linguistics / 2
PE1075 .C4 History of English : a sketch of the origin and development of the English language with examples, down to the present day / 1
PE1075 .C42 2017eb The changing English language : psycholinguistic perspectives / 1