PE1404 .C6347 1999
Electronic writing centers : computing the field of composition / |
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PE1404 .C636 1989
Writing as social action / |
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PE1404 .C637 2004
In search of eloquence : cross-disciplinary conversations on the role of writing in undergraduate education / |
1 |
PE1404 .C638 2014
Genre-based automated writing evaluation for L2 research writing : from design to evaluation and enhancement / |
1 |
PE1404 .C639 2022eb
CounterStories from the writing center / |
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PE1404 .C64 1984
Courses for change in writing : a selection from the NEH/Iowa Institute / |
1 |
PE1404 .C65 1998
Toward a phenomenological rhetoric : writing, profession, and altruism / |
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PE1404 .C65 1998eb
Toward a phenomenological rhetoric : writing, profession, and altruism / |
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PE1404 .C66 1995
Composing social identity in written language |
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PE1404 .C66 2011
Composing ourselves as writer-teacher-writers : starting with Wendy Bishop / |
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PE1404 .C66 2023eb
"K for the way" : DJ rhetoric and literacy for twenty-first-century writing studies / |
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PE1404 .C67 1984
The assessment of writing ability : a review of research / |
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PE1404 .C726 2015eb
Creative writing pedagogies for the twenty-first century / |
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PE1404 .C73 2008
Creative writing studies : practice, research and pedagogy / |
1 |
PE1404 .C7494 2017
Critical transitions : writing and the question of transfer / |
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PE1404 .C75 1993
The Critical writing workshop : designing writing assignments to foster critical thinking / |
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PE1404 .C75 2012
The creativity market : creative writing in the 21st century / |
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PE1404 .C753 2010eb
Cross-language relations in composition / |
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PE1404 .C7533 2014
Creativity and writing pedagogy : linking creative writers, researchers, and teachers / |
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PE1404 .C755 2003
Cross-talk in comp theory : a reader / |
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