Call Number (LC) Title Results
PE1620 .C62 1655 The English dictionary, or, An interpreter of hard English words enabling as well ladies and gentlewomen, young scholars, clerks, merchants, as also strangers of any nation, to the understanding of the more difficult authors already printed in our language, and the more speedy attaining of an elegant perfection of the English tongue, both in reading, speaking, and writing / 1
PE1620 .C62 1658 The English dictionary, or, An interpreter of hard English words enabling as well ladies and gentlewomen, young scholars, clerks, merchants as also strangers of any nation to the understanding of the more difficult authors already printed in our language and the more speedy attaining of an elegant perfection of the English tongue both in reading, speaking and writing / 2
PE1620 .C63 1650 The English dictionary: or, An interpreter of hard English words. Enabling as well ladies and gentlewomen, young scholars, clerks, merchants; also strangers of any nation, to the understanding of the more difficult authors already printed in our language, and the more speedy attaining of an elegant perfection of the English tongue, both in reading, speaking and writing. 1
PE1620 .C64 1676 An English dictionary explaining the difficult terms that are used in divinity, husbandry, physick, phylosophy, law, navigation, mathematicks, and other arts and sciences containing many thousands of hard words (and proper names of places) more than are in any other English dictionary or expositor : together with the etymological derivation of them from their proper fountains, whether Hebrew, Greek, Latin, French, or any other language, in a method more comprehensive, than any that is extant /
An English dictionary explaining the difficult terms that are used in divinity, husbandry, physick, phylosophy, law, navigation, mathematicks, and other arts and sciences containing many thousands of hard words (and proper names of places) more than are in any other English dictionary or expositor : together with the etymological derivation of them from their proper fountains, whether Hebrew, Greek, Latin, French, or any other language, in a method more comprehensive, than any that is extant /
PE1620 .C65 1684 An English dictionary explaining the difficult terms that are used in divinity, husbandry, physick, philosophy, law, navigation, mathematicks, and other arts and sciences, containing many thousands of hard words (and proper names of places) more than are in any other English dictionary or expositor : together with the etymological derivation of them from their proper fountains, whether Hebrew, Greek, Latin, French, or any other language, in method more comprehensive than any that is extant /
An English dictionary explaining the difficult terms that are used in divinity, husbandry, physick, phylosophy, law, navigation, mathematicks, and other arts and sciences : containing many thousands of hard words (and proper names of places) more than are in any other English dictionary or expositor : together with the etymological derivation of them from their proper fountains, whether Hebrew, Greek, Latin, French, or any other language ... /
An English dictionary explaining the difficult terms that are used in divinity, husbandry, physick, philosophy, law, navigation, mathematicks, and other arts and sciences, containing many thousands of hard words (and proper names of places) more than are in any other English dictionary or expositor : together with the etymological derivation of them from their proper fountains, whether Hebrew, Greek, Latin, French, or any other language, in method more comprehensive than any that is extant /
PE1620 .C7 1676a An english dictionary, 1676. 1
PE1620 .C7 1971 An English dictionary, 1676. 1
PE1620 .C7 2006i An English dictionary explaining the difficult terms that are used in divinity, husbandry, physick, phylosophy, law, navigation, mathematicks, and other arts and sciences; containing many thousands of hard words (and proper names of places) more than are in any other English dictionary or expositor; together with the etymological derivation of them from their proper fountains, whether Hebrew, Greek, Latin, French, or any other language ; in a method more comprehensive, than any that is extant / 1
PE1620 .D8 1771i A new general English dictionary peculiarly calculated for the use and improvement of such as are unacquainted with the learned languages : wherein the difficult words, and technical terms made use of in anatomy, architecture, arithmetick, algebra, astronomy, botany, chymistry, divinity, gardening, grammar, hawking, heraldry, history, horsemanship, hunting, husbandry, law, logick, mathematicks, mechanicks, milit. affairs, musick, navigation, painting, poetry, rhetorick, sculpture, surgery, &c. are not only fully explained, but accented on their proper syllables, to prevent a vicious pronunciation ; and marked with initial letters, to denote the part of speech to which each word peculiarly belongs : to which is prefixed, a compendious English grammar, with general rules for the ready formation of one part of speech from another ; by the due application whereof, such as understand English only, may be able to write as correctly and elegantly as those who have been some years conversant in the Latin, Greek, and other languages : together with a supplement of the proper names of the most noted kingdoms, provinces, cities, towns, rivers, &c. throughout the known world : as also of the most celebrated emperors, kings, queens, priests, poets, philosophers, generals, &c. whether Jewish, pagan, Mohametan, or Christian ; but more especially such as are mentioned either in the Old or New Testament : the whole alphabetically digested, and accented in the same manner, and for the same purpose, as the preceding part ; being collected for the use of such as have but an imperfect idea of the English orthography / 1
PE1620 (INTERNET) An English dictionary explaining the difficult terms that are used in divinity, husbandry, physick, phylosophy, law, navigation, mathematicks, and other arts and sciences : containing many thousands of hard words, and proper names of places, more than are in any other English dictionary or expositor : together with the etymological derivation of them from their proper fountains, whether Hebrew, Greek, Latin, French, or any other language : in a method more comprehensive than any that is extant /
The new world of English words, or, A general dictionary containing the interpretations of such hard words as are derived from other languages ... together with all those terms that relate to the arts and sciences ... : to which are added the significations of proper names, mythology, and poetical fictions, historical relations, geographical descriptions of most countries and cities of the world ... /
PE1620.J6 1755 A dictionary of the English language : in which the words are deduced from their originals, and illustrated in their different significations by examples from the best writers. To which are prefixed, a history of the language, and an English grammar / 1
PE1620 .J6 1773i A dictionary of the English language in which the words are deduced from their originals and illustrated in their different significations by examples from the best writers, to which are prefixed a history of the English language and an English grammar / 1
PE1620 .J6 1785i A dictionary of the English language in which the words are deduced from their originals, and illustrated in their different significations by examples from the best writers : to which is prefixed an English grammar. / 1
PE1620 .J6 1967 A dictionary of the English language: in which the words are deduced from their originals, and illustrated in their different significations by examples from the best writers : to which are prefixed, a history of the language, and an English grammar. London, Printed by W. Strahan, 1755. 1
PE1620 .J6 1979 Dictionary of the English language / 1
PE1620 .J6 1990 A dictionary of the English language : in which the words are deduced from their originals and illustrated in their different significations by examples from the best writers : to which are prefixed a history of the language and an English grammar / 1
PE1620 .K41708a Dictionarium Anglo-Britannicum, 1708. 1
PE1620 .M7 1978 Ductor in linguas (Guide into the tongues) and Vocabularium hispanicolatinum (1617) / 1
PE1620 .P43 1794 The royal standard English dictionary. : In which the words are not only rationally divided into syllables, accurately accented, their part of speech properly distinguished, and their various significations arranged in one line; but, likewise by a key to this work, comprising the various sounds of the vowels and consonants, denoted by typographical characters and illustrated by examples, which render it intelligible to the weakest capacity, it exhibits their true pronunciation according to the present practice of men of letters, eminent orators and polite speakers, in London. : Upon a plan perfectly plain and entirely new. : To which is prefixed, a comprehensive grammar of the English language. ... / 1
PE1620 .P5 1662 The new world of English words, or, a general dictionary : containing the interpretations of such hard words as are derived from other languages ... together with all those terms that relate to the arts and sciences ... to which are added the significations of proper names, mythology, and poetical fictions, historical relations, geographical descriptions of most countries and cities of the world ... as also all other subjects that are useful, and appertain to our English language ... / 1