Call Number (LC) Title Results
PE1625 .W34 1980 Webster's New world dictionary of the American language / 1
PE1625 .W34 1982 Webster's New World dictionary of the American language / 2
PE1625 .W36 1961 Webster's third new international dictionary of the English language, unabridged. : A Merriam-Webster / 1
PE1625 .W36 1976 Webster's third new international dictionary of the English language, unabridged / 2
PE1625 .W36 1981 Webster's third new international dictionary of the English language, unabridged / 2
PE1625 .W36 1993 Webster's third new international dictionary of the English language, unabridged / 1
PE1625 .W36 1996 Webster's dictionary 1
PE1625 .W36 2002 Webster's third new international dictionary of the English language, unabridged / 1
PE1625 .W382 1847 An American dictionary of the English language : containing the whole vocabulary of the first edition ... quarto; the entire corrections and improvements of the second edition in ... octavo ... / 1
PE1625 .W4 1966 Webster's new twentieth century dictionary of the English language, unabridged. 1
PE1625 .W6 1881 A universal and critical dictionary of the English language : to which are added Walker's Key to the pronunciation of classical and scripture proper names, much enlarged and improved; and a pronouncing vocabulary of modern geographical names / 1
PE1625 .W9 The universal dictionary of the English language : a new and original compilation giving all pronunciations in simplified and in more exact phonetic notations, extensive etymologies, definitions, the latest accepted words in scientific, technical, and general use, with copious illustrative phrases, and colloquialisms / 1
PE1628 Words in Time and Place : Exploring Language Through the Historical Thesaurus of the Oxford English Dictionary.
Oxford dictionary of English
Pocket Fowler's modern English usage
The Hutchinson Dictionary of Difficult Words.
PE1628 .A55 The American college dictionary / 1
PE1628 .A55 1948a The American college dictionary / 1
PE1628 .A55 1957 The American college dictionary / 1
PE1628 .A55 1962 The American college dictionary / 1
PE1628 .A55 1964 The American college dictionary / 1
PE1628 .A6223 2010 The American Heritage college dictionary. 1
PE1628 .A6227 1993