Call Number (LC) Title Results
PE1680 .P4 Language of the specialists : a communications guide to twenty different fields / 1
PE1680 .P66 Macmillan Lensing new basic dictionary / 1
PE1680 .R63 1947a The word finder / 1
PE1680 .R63 1952 The word finder / 1
PE1680 .R66 2000 Dictionary of confusable words / 1
PE1680 .R664 1985 Dictionary of confusing words and meanings / 1
PE1680 .R88 1999 Reverse English Dictionary : Based on Phonological and Morphological Principles. 1
PE1680 .S37 1968 'Isms: a dictionary of words ending in -ism, -ology, and -phobia, with some similar terms arranged in subject order / 1
PE1680 .T4 English compound words and phrases. : A reference list, with statement of principles and rules / 1
PE1680 .U7 1972b A dictionary of misunderstood, misused, mispronounced words / 2
PE1680 .U7 1985 The New York times everyday reader's dictionary of misunderstood, misused, and mispronounced words / 1
PE1680 .V66 1991 Isms : a compendium of concepts, doctrines, traits, & beliefs from ableism to zygodactylism /
Isms : a compendium of concepts, doctrines, traits & beliefs from ableism to zygodactylism /
PE1680 .W356 1944 The golden dictionary / 1
PE1680 .W49 1957 Dictionary of American grammar and usage / 1
PE1683 .D4 Die Wörter des Gesichtsausdrucks im heutigen Englisch. 1
PE1683 .G73 1985 Literary companion dictionary : words about words / 1
PE1689 Thesaurus of traditional English metaphors / 1
PE1689 .A47 1995 Fruitcakes & couch potatoes, and other delicious expressions / 1
PE1689 .A48 1992 Have a nice day--no problem! : a dictionary of clichés / 1
PE1689 .A48 2001 The Facts on File dictionary of clichés / 2