Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
PE1689 .W3 | Words and phrases index : a guide to antedatings, new words, new compounds, new meanings, and other published scholarship supplementing the Oxford English dictionary, Dictionary of Americanisms, Dictionary of American English, and other major dictionaries of the English language / | 1 |
PE1689 .W56 1993 | Thesaurus of traditional English metaphors / | 1 |
PE1689 .W56 2002 | Thesaurus of traditional English metaphors / | 1 |
PE1689 .W56 2002eb | Thesaurus of traditional English metaphors | 1 |
PE1689 .W56 2008eb | The concise thesaurus of traditional English metaphors | 1 |
PE1691 | The Faber dictionary of euphemisms / | 1 |
PE1691 .B696 2024 | A frequency dictionary of British English : core vocabulary and exercises for learners / | 1 |
PE1691 .C3 |
The American heritage word frequency book / The American heritage word frequency book |
2 |
PE1691 .D35 2010eb | A frequency dictionary of contemporary American English : word sketches, collocates, and thematic lists / | 1 |
PE1691 .E28 1995 | The educator's word frequency guide / | 1 |
PE1691 .F3 | A study of English word-values statistically determined from the latest extensive word-counts : providing teachers and students with a means of distinguishing indispensable, essential, and useful words from special words / | 1 |
PE1691 .I6 | Interim report on vocabulary selection for the teaching of English as a foreign language. | 1 |
PE1691 .J56 1989 | Frequency analysis of English vocabulary and grammar : based on the LOB corpus / | 1 |
PE1691 .J58 | Some aspects of the vocabulary of learned and scientific English / | 1 |
PE1691 .J6 | A spoken word count / | 1 |
PE1691 .L3 | A concept dictionary of English. | 1 |
PE1691 .L44 2014 | Word frequencies in written and spoken English based on the British National Corpus / | 1 |
PE1691 .L72 | The semantic count of the 570 commonest English words / | 1 |
PE1691 .M57 1992 | Children's writer's word book / | 1 |
PE1691 .S37 1989 | 1000 most obscure words / | 1 |