PE1961 .M454 2007
The Cockney dialect / |
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PE1961 .S5 1960
Cockney phonology. |
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PE1961 .S7 1930A
Die Londoner Vulgärsprache in Thackerays Yellowplush papers : dargestellt auf historischer Grundlage / |
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PE1961 .W69 1996
Sources of London English : medieval Thames vocabulary / |
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PE1962 .B4 1902
Londinismen : (Slang und Cant) ; Wörterbuch der Londoner Volkssprache sowie der üblichsten Gauner- Matrosen-, Sport- und Zunftausdrücke / |
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PE1963 .C5 1967
A book of London English, 1384-1425. |
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PE1989 .T7
The social differentiation of English in Norwich / |
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PE1996 .P3 1972b
The Northumbrian burr : a sociolinguistic study. |
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PE1997 .G4
A Northumberland and Durham word book : the living dialect, including a glossary, with etymologies and illustrative quotations, of living dialect words. |
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Celebrity accents and public identity construction : analyzing Geordie stylizations / |
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PE1999.H6 B4
The dialect of Holy Island : a phonological analysis / |
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PE1999.N67 .C65 2014
Old Northumbrian Verbal Morphosyntax and the (Northern) Subject Rule. |
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PE2046 .C5 1968
The Suffolk dialect of the 20th century / |
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PE2046 .C5 1985
The Suffolk dialect of the 20th century / |
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PE2046 .K6 1932
The phonology of the Suffolk dialect, descriptive and historical. |
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PE2056 .R8
The phonology of the Middle English dialect of Sussex / |
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PE2076 .B6 1971
Direkte und indirekte Transkription. : Ein Vergleich zwischen dem phonetischen Notationsmaterial des Survey of English dialects [Worcestershire] und Magnetbandtranskripten. |
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PE2076 .S8
Studies in the Middle English dialect material of Worcestershire records. |
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PE2081 .M454 2007
The Yorkshire dialect / |
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PE2083 .W5
The orthography and pronunciation of Henry Machyn, the London diarist : a study of the south-east Yorkshire dialect in the early 16th century. |
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