Call Number (LC) Title Results
PE13 .A82 1982 Atti del V Congresso nazionale dell'Associazione italiana di anglistica, A.I.A. : Bologna, 12-14 ottobre 1982 / 1
PE13 .C6 1964 Commonwealth literature. : unity and diversity in a common culture / 1
PE13 -- C73 1986eb The Creating Word Papers from an International Conference on the Learning and Teaching of English in the 1980s. 1
PE13 .T45 Studies in American English. 1
PE19 .P616 nr. 1 Drogo do Werony : studium historycznoliterackie "Romeo i Julia" Szekspira. 1
PE19 .P616 nr. 2 Funkcja obrazu w strukturze wiersza : na podstawie wczesnej poezji anglo-amerykańskiej xx w. 1
PE19 .P616 nr. 3 Modal verbs in Shakespeare's English. 1
PE19 .P616 nr. 4 Poezja amerykańskiego południa. 1
PE19 .P616 nr. 5 The making of a new American poem : some tendencies in the post-world war II American poetry. 1
PE19 .P616 nr. 7 Palatal umlaut versus velar umlaut and breaking : a comparative study of the palatalization and velarization of vowels in Germanic languages / 1
PE19 .P616 nr. 8 Malcolm Lowry and the lyrical convention of fiction / 1
PE19 .P616 nr. 9 A study in generative historical linguistics : on language change : some aspects of Old English nominalizations / 1
PE19 .P616 nr. 10 Language of poetry and generative grammar : toward generative poetics? : (with sample analyses of T. S. Eliot's poems) / 1
PE19 .P616 nr. 11 Polska a Brytania, 1801-1830 : próby politycznego i cywilizacyjnego dźwignięcia kraju w oparciu o Wielką Brytanię / 1
PE19 .P616 nr. 12 Proceedings of a symposium on American literature / 1
PE19 .P616 nr. 13 Conference interpreting : some linguistic and communicative problems / 1
PE19 .P616 nr. 14 Lexical rules of semantic interpretation : control and NP movement in English and Polish / 1
PE19 .P616 nr. 15 Kształtowanie się wizji artystycznej we wczesnych powieściach D.H. Lawrence'a / 1
PE19 .P616 nr. 16 Traditions in the twentieth century American literature : proceedings of the second symposium on American literature / 1
PE19 .P616 nr. 17 The foreigner's language in a sociolinguistic perspective / 1