Call Number (LC) Title Results
PE65 .S8 Patterns of language : explorations of the teaching of English / 1
PE65 .T38 1990 Teaching and learning English worldwide / 1
PE65 .T5 Thematic units in teaching English and the humanities / 1
PE65 .T5 Suppl Thematic units in teaching English and the humanities : first-third supplement / 1
PE65 .T75 Trends & issues in postsecondary English studies. 1
PE65 .T85 1998 Language and limits : resisting reform in English studies / 2
PE65 .T85 1998eb Language and limits : resisting reform in English studies / 1
PE65 .V65 1996 Voices in English classrooms : honoring diversity and change / 1
PE65.W43 M53 2000 Noah Webster and the American dictionary / 1
PE65.W5 M53 2000 Noah Webster and the American dictionary / 1
PE66 .A33 1986 Activities to promote critical thinking : classroom practices in teaching English, 1986 / 1
PE66 .A4 The Ph. D. in English and American literature. 1
PE66 .A55 1990 Opening texts : using writing to teach literature / 1
PE66 .B43 2011 Becoming a reflective English teacher / 1
PE66 .B43 2011eb Becoming a reflective English teacher / 1
PE66 .B76 Cleanth Brooks at the United States Air Force Academy, April 11-12, 1978 / 1
PE66 .D48 2003 From Dylan to Donne : bridging English and music / 1
PE66 .D53 1998 The dialogic classroom : teachers integrating computer technology, pedagogy, and research / 1
PE66 .F5 Prospects for the 70's; English departments and multidisciplinary study.
Prospects for the 70's : English departments and multidisciplinary study /
PE66 .F57 2003 10 easy ways to use technology in the English classroom / 1