Call Number (LC) Title Results
PF3111 .K59 A German work book / 1
PF3111 .K63 1869 First book in German / 1
PF3111 .K66 1893 The living method for learning how to think in German. 1
PF3111 .K7 1908 Deutsche Grammatik für Ausländer jeder Nationalität : mit besonderer Rücksicht auf ausländische Institute in Deutschland und deutsche Institute im Auslande neu bearb. / 1
PF3111 .K844 Stilbildung in der höheren Schule : ein Handbuch für den Deutschlehrer. 1
PF3111 .K948 Foundations of German / 1
PF3111 .L57 1897 Lipman's German self-instructor. : A practical manual for importing the ability to converse in German without the aid of a teacher. 1
PF3111 .M47 1952 Elementary German. 1
PF3111 .M47 1954 Elementary German. 1
PF3111 .M75 Deutsches lern- und lesebuch / 1
PF3111 .N45 1974 German: how to prepare for College Board achievement tests / 1
PF3111 .O6 1909 German prose composition : with notes and vocabularies / 1
PF3111 .O82 Exercises for translating English into German / 1
PF3111 .O84 Introductory German lessons based on the "Beginning German" of Dr. Emil Otto : with amendments and full vocabularies / 1
PF3111 .P63 1961 The key to German translation : the analytical approach to German translation based upon the capitalized noun and eleven major rules / 1
PF3111 .P65 1910 German composition : with notes and vocabularies / 1
PF3111 . P69 Writing and speaking German : exercises in German composition and conversation : with notes and vocabularies / 1
PF3111 .P69 Writing and speaking German : exercises in German composition and conversation, with notes and vocabularies / 1
PF3111 .P693 Simple writing and speaking German : exercises in German composition and conversation, with notes and vocabularies and a review of the chief topics of German grammar / 1
PF3111 .P815 Deutscher lehrgang... / 1