Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
PG1 .S63 no. 67-68 | [G--proskrybovana bukva v SSSR] | 1 |
PG1 .S63 no. 67-68 PG3837 | [G--proskrybovana bukva v SSSR] | 1 |
PG1 .S63 no. 73 | [Kulish ︠i︡ak Hoholeznave︠t︡sʹ] | 1 |
PG1 .S63 subser |
Slavic studies in Canada in. Slavica canadiana. |
2 |
PG1 .S64 | Slov'︠i︡ansʹke movoznavstvo : zbirnyk stateĭ | 1 |
PG1 .S68 | Sovetskoe slav︠i︡anovedenie. | 1 |
PG1 .S69 |
Godishnik na Sofiĭskii︠a︡ universitet "Kliment Okhridski", Fakultet po slavi︠a︡nski filologii = Annuaire de l'Université de Sofia "Kliment Ohridski", Faculté des philologies slaves. Godishnik na Sofiĭskii︠a︡ universitet "Sv. Kliment Okhridski", Fakultet po slavi︠a︡nski filologii. Godishnik na Sofiĭskii︠a︡ universitet, Fakultet po slavi︠a︡nski filologii = Annuaire de l'Université de Sofia, Faculté des philologies slaves. |
3 |
PG1 .S697 ML128.V7 | Anna Akhmatova, Marina ︠T︡Svetaeva, Osip Mandelʹshtam i Boris Pasternak v muzyke : notografi︠i︡a / | 1 |
PG1.S697 vol. 4 | Literature, culture, and society in the modern age : in honor of Joseph Frank / | 1 |
PG1.S697 vol. 5 | Materialy po istorii russkoĭ i sovetskoĭ kulʹtury : iz arkhiva Guverovskogo Instituta / | 1 |
PG1.S697 vol. 6 | Neizvestna︠i︡a kniga Serge︠i︡a Bobrova : iz sobrani︠i︡a Biblioteki Stėnfordskogo Universiteta / | 1 |
PG1.S697 vol. 7 | Russian culture in transition : selected papers of the Working Group for the Study of Contemporary Russian Culture, 1990-1991 = Transforma︠t︡si︠i︡a russkoĭ kulʹtury : izbrannye doklady Rabocheĭ gruppy po izucheni︠i︡u sovremennoĭ russkoĭ kulʹtury, 1990-1991 g. / | 1 |
PG1 .S697 vol. 8 PG3011 | Themes and variations : in honor of Lazar Fleishman = Temy i varia︠t︡sii : sbornik stateĭ i materialov k 50-leti︠i︡u Lazar︠i︡a Fleĭshmana / | 1 |
PG1 .S697 vol. 9 DK269 | Materialy o russkoĭ ėmigra︠t︡sii 1920-1930-kh gg. v sobranii baronessy M.D. Vrangelʹ : Arkhiv Guverovskogo Instituta v Stėnforde) / | 1 |
PG1 .S697 vol. 10 PG3476.P27 | Boris Pasternak i Sergeĭ Bobrov : pisʹma chetyrekh des︠i︡atiletiĭ / | 1 |
PG1 .S697 vol. 20 | Studies in modern Russian and Polish culture and bibliography : essays in honor of Wojciech Zalewski / | 1 |
PG1 .S7 | Staroslovan. | 1 |
PG1 .S78 |
Across borders : 20th century Russian literature and Russian-Jewish cultural contacts : essays in honor of Vladimir Khazan / Stvaranje. |
2 |
PG1 .S8 | Studia slavica. | 1 |
PG1 .S82 2008 | Dutch Contributions to the Fourteenth International Congress of Slavists. | 1 |