Call Number (LC) Title Results
PG3056 .T47 1998 Poetry of the silver age : the various voices of Russian modernism / 1
PG3056 .T67 2009 Russia and the classics : poetry's foreign muse / 1
PG3056 .V27 1993 Nam ostaets︠i︡a tolʹko im︠i︡a-- : poėt-tragicheskiĭ geroĭ russkogo iskusstva XX veka : Aleksandr Blok, Anna Akhmatova, Marina ︠T︡Svetaeva, Osip Mandelʹshtam / 1
PG3056 .V5 Stikh i obraz. : Razmyshleni︠i︡a o sovrem. stikhe. 1
PG3056 .Z45 2007 "Zhivoe slovo razbudit usnuvshu︠i︡u dushu..." : (materialy Vserossiĭskoĭ nauchno-prakticheskoĭ konferen︠t︡sii, 12-13 ma︠i︡a 2006 goda) / 1
PG3058.H64 A29 1990b Vanishing lung syndrome / 1
PG3060 Soviet heroic poetry in context : folklore or fakelore / 1
PG3060 .B4 1997 Resetting the margins : Russian romantic verse tales and the idealized woman / 1
PG3060 .H36 The epic songs of Russia / 1
PG3060 .H36 1916 The epic songs of Russia / 1
PG3060 .H6 1973 Studien zur Geschichte der russischen Verserzählung : in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts. 1
PG3060 .K88 1994 The ode and the odic : essays on Mandelstam, Pasternak, Tsvetaeva and Mayakovsky / 1
PG3060 .S6 Ocherki po istorii russkoĭ poėmy XVIII i pervoĭ poloviny XIX veka. 1
PG3060 .Z56 2013 Soviet heroic poetry in context : folklore or fakelore / 1
PG3063 .D45 Vysoty otdavatʹ nelʹz︠i︡a : novoe v lirike molodykh / 1
PG3063 .E4 1973 Melodika russkogo liricheskogo stikha / 1
PG3063 .G5 O lirike. 1
PG3063 .G5 1974 O lirike / 1
PG3063 .G5 1997 O lirike / 1
PG3063 .G8 V seredine veka : o liricheskoĭ po'ezii 50-kh godov. 1