Call Number (LC) Title Results
PG3317.R3 Z779 Universitetskie gody Radishcheva. 1
PG3317.R3 Z78 A.N. Radiščev und Deutschland. : Beiträge zur russischen Literatur des ausgehenden 18. Jahrhunderts / 1
PG3317.R3 Z8 A. N. Radishchev : kritiko-biograficheskiĭ ocherk. 1
PG3317.S56 A6 1983 Virshi, pisni, baĭky, dialohy, traktaty, prytchi, prozovi pereklady, lysty / 1
PG3318 .A24 Selected tragedies of A.P. Sumarokov / 1
PG3318 .A4 1981 Selected aesthetic works of Sumarokov and Karamzin / 1
PG3318 .A6 1957 Izbrannye proizvedeni︠i︡a / 1
PG3318.Z9 E95 2010 A Voltaire for Russia : A.P. Sumarokov's journey from poet-critic to Russian philosophe / 1
PG3319.T7 A6 1963 Izbrani proizvedeni︠i︡a. 1
PG3319.T7 F432 1979 Die Feoptija V. K. Trediakovskijs : e. physikotheolog. Lehrgedicht im Russland d. 18. Jh. / 1
PG3319.T874 Z996 2016 Poi︠a︡vlenie geroi︠a︡ : iz istorii russkoĭ ėmot︠s︡ionalʹnoĭ kulʹtury kont︠s︡a XVIII - nachala XIX veka / 1
PG3319.T874 Z99613 2023 The emergence of a hero : a tale of romantic love in Russia around 1800 / 1
PG3321.A3 ebook Cuentos populares rusos / 2
PG3321.A45 A17 1886 Sbornik stikhotvoreniĭ / 1
PG3321.A45 A17 1960 Stikhotvoreni︠i︡a i poėmy. 1
PG3321.A45 Z5 1994 Pisʹma k rodnym, 1849-1856 / 1
PG3321.A45 Z55 2003 Ivan Sergeevich Aksakov v ego pisʹmakh : ėpistol︠i︡arnyĭ dnevnik 1838-1886 gg. s predisloviem, kommentari︠i︡ami i vospominani︠i︡a A.F. Aksakovoĭ / 1
PG3321.A45 Z75 Ivan Aksakov, 1823-1886 : a study in Russian thought and politics. 1
PG3321.A47 Z6 Tribune of the Slavophiles: Konstantin Aksakov. 1
PG3321 .A5 1966 Sobranie sochineniĭ 1