PG3357 .F45
Sudʹba dramaturgii Pushkina : "Boris Godunov," "Malenʹkie tragedii" / |
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PG3357 .G6
Dramaturgi︠i︡a Pushkina : stenogramma publichnoĭ lek︠t︡sii, prochitannoĭ v 1949 godu v Leningrade / |
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PG3357 .G62
Dramaturgi︠i︡a Pushkina. |
1 |
PG3357 .K83 2016
Pushkin -- rezhisser / |
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PG3358.A7 K6
Pushkin ob iskusstve / |
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PG3358.B67 N38 2017
A.S. Pushkin i kniga : sbornik stateĭ / |
1 |
PG3358.C37 R35 1994
Troika, semerka, dama : Pushkin i karty / |
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PG3358.C7 P8 1969
The critical prose of Alexander Pushkin : with critical essays by four Russian romantic poets / |
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PG3358.C7 P83 1984
Mysli o literature i iskusstve : sbornik / |
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PG3358.D4 N48 1998
Pushkin "ob 14-m dekabr︠i︡a" : rekonstruk︠t︡si︠i︡a dekabristskogo dokumentalʹnogo teksta / |
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PG3358.E43 G7 1990
Pushkinska︠i︡a ėlegi︠i︡a : na︠t︡sionalʹnye istoki, predshestvenniki, ėvol︠i︡u︠t︡si︠i︡a / |
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PG3358.F5 B37 1983
Pushkin and Merimee as short story writers : two different approaches to description and detail / |
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PG3358.F5 D4 1983
The other Pushkin : a study of Alexander Pushkin's prose fiction / |
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PG3358.F5 L4913 1983
Pushkin's prose / |
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PG3358.F6 B6
Pushkin i moldavskiĭ fol'klor / |
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PG3358.F6 B6 1967
Pushkin i moldavskiĭ folʹklor. |
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PG3358.F6 M43 2003
V sotvorchestve s narodom : narodna︠i︡a tradi︠t︡si︠i︡a v tvorchestve A.S. Pushkina : teoreticheskoe issledovanie / |
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PG3358.F8 W65 1998
Freimaurertum bei Puškin : Einführung in die russische Freimaurerei und ihre Bedeutung für Puškins literarisches Werk / |
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PG3358.H45 E35 1984
Pushkin, istori︠i︡a i sovremennostʹ v khudozhestvennom soznanii poėta / |
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PG3358.H45 E94 1999
Pushkin's historical imagination / |
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