PG3453.B6 Z74 1988
Aleksandr Blok and the dynamics of the lyric cycle / |
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PG3453.B6 Z76
Poėt i ego podvig : tvorcheskiĭ putʹ Aleksandra Bloka. |
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PG3453.B6 Z763 2017
Musica mundana i russkai︠a︡ obshchestvennostʹ : t︠s︡ikl stateĭ o tvorchestve Aleksandra Bloka / |
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PG3453.B6 Z8 1968
Poėt i ego podvig. : Tvorcheskiĭ putʹ Aleksandra Bloka / |
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PG3453.B6 Z8 1971
Poėt i ego podvig. : Tvorch. putʹ Aleksandra Bloka. [Grav. A.D. Goncharova] |
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PG3453.B6 Z834 1999
Sudʹba Bloka : vospominani︠i︡a, pisʹma, dnevniki-- / |
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PG3453.B6 Z88
Aleksandr Blok. |
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PG3453.B6 Z93
Putʹ Aleksandra Bloka. |
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PG3453.B6 Z936
Aleksandr Blok: the journey to Italy : with English translations of the poems and prose sketches on Italy / |
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PG3453.B6 Z978 1998
Poėzi︠i︡a Aleksandra Bloka : Preodol︠i︡evshīe simvolizm / |
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PG3453 .B62 1897
Sobranīe romanovʺ, pov︠i︡esteĭ i razskazovʺ |
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PG3453 .B62 1993
Sochineni︠i︡a v trekh tomakh / |
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PG3453.B62 K58 2018
Kitaĭ-gorod : roman v pi︠a︡ti knigakh / |
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PG3453.B62 Z5
Vospominani︠i︡a. |
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PG3453.B62 Z55 1990
P.D. Boborykin : Studien zur Theorie und Praxis des naturalistischen Romans in Russland / |
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PG3453.B63 D6
Dni svobody : pov︠i︡estʹ izʺ moskovskikhʺ sobytīĭ / |
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PG3453.B657 Z58 2006
K uedinennomu dolu : zhiznʹ i tvorchestvo poėta Valeriana Borodaevskogo / |
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PG3453 .B7 1973
Sobranie sochineniĭ / |
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PG3453.B7 A17 1923
Stikhi / |
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PG3453.B7 A17 1955
Stikhotvoreni︠i︡a / |
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