Call Number (LC) Title Results
PG3453.B7 Z915 2004 V.︠I︡A. Br︠i︡usov i russkiĭ modernizm / 1
PG3453.B7 Z95 Valeriĭ Br︠i︡usov i nasledie Pushkina : opyt sravnitelʹno-stilisticheskogo issledovani︠i︡a. 1
PG3453.B7 Z95 1970 Valeriĭ Br︠i︡u sov i nasledie Pushkina. : Opyt sravnitel'no-stilisticheskogo issledovani︠i︡a. 1
PG3453.B79 A17 1946 Gnezdo lastochek : sbornik stikhotvoreniĭ / 1
PG3453.B8 A2 2014 Subtly worded and other stories / 1
PG3453.B8 A2 2020  
PG3453.B8 A2 2021 Other worlds : pilgrims, peasants, spirits, saints / 1
PG3453.B8 A6 1998 Izbrannye proizvedeni︠i︡a / 1
PG3453.B8 I8 1990 ︠I︡Umoristicheskie rasskazy ; Iz "Vseobshcheĭ istorii, obrabotannoĭ 'Satirikonom'" / 1
PG3453.B8 L4 Letniĭ otdykh / 1
PG3453.B8 Z33 Zemna︠i︡a raduga / 1
PG3453.B8 Z468 2004 Mo︠i︡a letopisʹ / 1
PG3453.B8 Z68 2019 Teffi : a life of letters and of laughter / 1
PG3453.B8 Z89 1999 Tvorchestvo N.A. Tėffi i russkiĭ literaturnyĭ pro︠t︡sess pervoĭ poloviny XX veka / 1
PG3453.B83 A6 1913 Izbrannye razskazy / 1
PG3453.B84 The symphonies /
Hermetischer symbolismus : Andrej Belyjs «Istorija stanovlenija samosoznajuščej duši» /
PG3453 .B84 1987 The dramatic symphony ; and, The forms of art / 1
PG3453 .B84 2011 Polnoe sobranie sochineniĭ v 2 tomakh / 1
PG3453.B84 A15 1979 Rasskazy = Erzählungen / 1
PG3453.B84 A15 1988 Izbranna︠i︡a proza / 1