PG3501.U4 Z34 2015
Where currents meet : frontiers of memory in post-Soviet fiction of Kharkiv, Ukraine / |
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PG3501.U4 Z34 2016
Where currents meet : frontiers in post-Soviet fiction of Kharkiv, Ukraine / |
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PG3501.U7 K8
Poėzi︠i︡a rabochego Urala : literaturno-kriticheskie ocherki. |
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PG3501.V56 S57 1993
"Vse mne pam︠i︡atno do boli--" / |
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PG3504.I17 I17
︠I︡Aroslavskiĭ alʹmanakh. |
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PG3504.N67 D42
Denʹ poėzii Severa. : 1968 / |
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PG3504.V6 P5
Pisateli Sredneĭ Volgi, 1917-1967 : [Sbornik proizvedeniĭ / |
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PG3505.E38 I98 2017
Pisateli Ekaterinburga i krai︠a︡, koemu seĭ gorod pripisan : Ėnt︠s︡iklopedicheskiĭ slovarʹ-spravochnik / |
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PG3505 .I3 1989
Istori︠i︡a ukraïnsʹkoho pysʹmenstva / |
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PG3505.L4 B57 2006
Literary St. Petersburg : a guide to the city and its writers / |
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PG3505.L4 H53 2009
The writer in Petrograd and the House of Arts / |
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PG3505.L4 M65 2000
Molodoĭ Peterburg : literaturno-khudozhestvennyĭ alʹmanakh molodykh pisateleĭ / |
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PG3505.L4 P48 1996
Peterburgskiĭ tekst : iz istorii russkoĭ literatury 20-30-kh godov XX veka : mezhvuzovskiĭ sbornik / |
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PG3505.L4 R36 1995
Uberleben mit Worten : Literatur und Ideologie wahrend der Blockade von Leningrad 1941-1944 / |
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PG3505.L4 S28 2002
Andegraund : istori︠i︡a i mify leningradskoĭ neofi︠t︡sialʹnoĭ literatury / |
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PG3505.L5 A88 2007
The Stray Dog cabaret : a book of Russian poems / |
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PG3505.L5 D4
Denʹ poėzii. |
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PG3505.L5 F556 2006
Filologicheska︠i︡a shkola : [teksty, vospominani︠i︡a, bibliografi︠i︡a] / |
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PG3505.L5 M3
The living mirror : five young poets from Leningrad / |
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PG3505.L5 P35
Pchely : peterburgskiĭ alʹmanakh / |
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