PG7053.H63 B73 2019
Polish literature and the Holocaust : eyewitness testimonies, 1942-1947 / |
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PG7053.M55 M47 2008
The impact of Irish-Ireland on Young Poland, 1890-1919 / |
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PG7053.M55 M56
Młodopolski świat wyobraźni : studia i eseje / |
1 |
PG7053.N27 E38 2000
Literature and nationalism in partitioned Poland, 1795-1918 / |
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PG7053.N27 L58 2021
Literary Canon Formation As Nation-Building in Central Europe and the Baltics 19th to Early 20th Century. |
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PG7053.N3 J3
Z dziejów naturalizmu w Polsce. |
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PG7053.N3 N37 1997
Natura naturata : gegenständliche Welt und Kultureme in der polnischen Literatur von der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts bis zur Gegenwart / |
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PG7053.P58 Z5
W kręgu mitów polskich / |
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PG7053.P6 P6
Pozytywizm / |
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PG7053.R35 T66 2020
Insane Run : railroad and dark modernity / |
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PG7053.R48 W3
Dziedzictwo literackie powstania styczniowego : praca zbiorowa ̈kated. historii literatury polskiej Uniwers / |
1 |
PG7053.R483 P6 1986
Krew na śniegu : rzecz o rabacji galicyjskiej w literaturze polskiej, 1936-1986 / |
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PG7053.R6 J36
Romantyzm : studia o ideach i stylu. |
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PG7053.R6 K69
Neoromantyzm polski, 1890-1918 / |
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PG7053.R6 K8
Pierwiosnki polskiego romantyzmu. |
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PG7053.R6 P5
Na wyzynach romantyzmu. |
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PG7053.R6 P6
Polśkiĭ romantizm i vostochnoslav︠ianskie literatury / |
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PG7053.R6 U5 1963
Romantycy. |
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PG7053.R7 B6 1962
Literatura polska okresu romantyzmu : podre̦cznik dla techników / |
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PG7053.R7 K7
W świecie romantycznym. |
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