Call Number (LC) Title Results
PJ5129.R2 Z618 Sholom Aleichem. : A non-critical introduction. 1
PJ5129.R2 Z66 1989 Sholom Aleichem : the writer as social historian / 1
PJ5129.R2 Z763 2000 The image of the shtetl and other studies of modern Jewish literary imagination / 1
PJ5129.R2 Z8 The world of Sholom Aleichem. 1
PJ5129.R2 Z8 1943 The world of Sholom Aleichem. 1
PJ5129.R2 Z8 1965 The world of Sholom Aleichem. 1
PJ5129.R2 Z845 2005 Sholom's treasure : how Sholom Aleichem became a writer / 1
PJ5129.R2 Z8465 2012 Translating Sholem Aleichem : history, politics and art / 1
PJ5129.R2 Z88 1968 My father, Sholom Aleichem. 1
PJ5129.R2 Z885 1994 Sholem Aleichem in the theater / 1
PJ5129.R2 Z9 Sholem Aleichem and the art of communication / 1
PJ5129.R217 G313 1985 The street : a novel /
The street /
PJ5129.R22 N413 1968 Nine brothers : a novel / 1
PJ5129.R22 Y513 1989 Jewish cowboy / 1
PJ5129.R3 Pioneers : the first breach /
The Dybbuk century : the Jewish play that possessed the world /
PJ5129.R3 A27 1992 The Dybbuk and other writings / 2
PJ5129.R3 A27 2002eb The dybbuk and other writings / 1
PJ5129.R3 D513 1926 The dybbuk : a play in four acts / 1
PJ5129.R3 Z58 2011 The Jewish dark continent : life and death in the Russian pale of settlement / 1
PJ5129.R3 Z58 2011eb The Jewish dark continent : life and death in the Russian pale of settlement /
The Jewish dark continent life and death in the Russian pale of settlement /