Call Number (LC) Title Results
PJ6571 .B25 Comparative studies in the Arabic lexicon. 1
PJ6582.A7 F66 1962 Die aramäischen Fremdwörter im Arabischen / 1
PJ6585 .J87 1987 The semantics of form in Arabic in the mirror of European languages / 1
PJ6591 .B6 Some early definitions of the Tawriya and Ṣafadī's Faḍḍ al-Xitām ʻan at-Tawriya wa-ʼl-Istixdām / 1
PJ6601 .W266 2013 Building Arabic vocabulary through reading : for advanced students of MSA / 1
PJ6611 .B35 2014eb The Arabic lexicographical tradition : from the 2nd/8th to the 12th/18th century / 1
PJ6611 .W5 Das Kitāb al-ʻAin und die arabische Lexikographie. 1
PJ6611 .Z36 2002eb A comparative lexical study of Qurʼānic Arabic / 1
PJ6617 .G7 Los mozarabismos del "Vocabulista" atribuído a Ramón Martí / 1
PJ6620 .I15 Lisān al-ʻArab / 1
PJ6620 .I256 2011 Lisān al-ʻArab / 1
PJ6620 .K5 1968 Liber Mafâtîh al-olûm : explicans vocabula technica scientiarum tam Arabum quam peregrinorum / 1
PJ6620 .M87 1994 Tāj al-ʻarūs min jawāhir al-Qāmūs / 1
PJ6630 .D7 1927 Supplément aux dictionnaires arabes. 1
PJ6635 .B43 Dictionnaire arabe-fran̨cais-anglais, langue classique et moderne. : Arabic-French-English dictionary / 1
PJ6635 .B83 2011 A frequency dictionary of Arabic : core vocabulary for learners / 1
PJ6635 .F36 2021 A frequency dictionary of contemporary Arabic fiction : core vocabulary for learners and material developers / 1
PJ6636.C5 A42 1987 Alabo yu, Han yu ci dian / 1
PJ6640 .B3 1976 Al-Mawrid al-qarēb = Baʻalbaki's pocket dictionary / 1
PJ6640 .B33 1970 Al-Mawrid : a modern English-Arabic dictionary. 1