Call Number (LC) Title Results
PJ7519.F6 G44 2000 Of dishes and discourse : classical Arabic literary representations of food / 1
PJ7519.H4 A56 1986 al-Ṣaʻlakah wa-al-futūwah fī al-Islām / 1
PJ7519.H84 K43 2013 Le corps dans le récit intime arabe / 1
PJ7519.H87 H87 2009 Humor in der arabischen Kultur / 1
PJ7519.H87 H87 2009eb Humor in der arabischen Kultur / 1
PJ7519.I84 G35 2022 Islam and new directions in world literature /
Islam and New Directions in World Literature.
PJ7519.I84 K48 2008 Self and secrecy in early Islam / 1
PJ7519.I84 M87 2009 Islam on the street : religion in modern Arabic literature / 1
PJ7519.I84 M87 2009eb Islam on the street : religion in modern Arabic literature / 1
PJ7519.I84 N39 2004 al-Naṣṣ al-dīnī wa-al-turāth al-Islāmī : qirāʼah naqdīyah / 1
PJ7519.I84 S3613 2006 The oral and the written in early Islam / 1
PJ7519.I84 S3613 2006eb The oral and the written in early Islam / 1
PJ7519.J4 A233 2005 The rhetoric of violence : Arab-Jewish encounters in contemporary Palestinian literature and film / 2
PJ7519.L6 G5 1971 Theory of profane love among the Arabs : the development of the genre. 1
PJ7519.L6 T675 2014eb Teorías sobre el amor en la cultura árabe medieval / 1
PJ7519.M57 U55 1992 Das Motiv des Spiegels in der arabischen Literatur des Mittelalters / 1
PJ7519.M9 M98 1999 Myths, historical archetypes, and symbolic figures in Arabic literature : towards a new hermeneutic approach : proceedings of the international symposium in Beirut, June 25th - June 30th, 1996 / 1
PJ7519.N25 K46 2016 Recognition in the Arabic narrative tradition : discovery, deliverance and delusion / 1
PJ7519.N25 K46 2016eb Recognition in the Arabic narrative tradition : discovery, deliverance and delusion / 2
PJ7519.N25 K5513 2014 Arabs and the art of storytelling : a strange familiarity / 2