Call Number (LC) Title Results
PK1723 .Y613 2006 Relationships = Jogajog / 1
PK1723 .Y6413 2006 Relationships = Jogajog / 1
PK1723 ebook El jardinero / 1
PK1725 Religion and Rabindranath Tagore : select discourses, addresses, and, letters in translation /
Universalist hopes in India and Europe : the worlds of Rabindranath Tagore and Srecko Kosovel /
Rabindranath Tagore in the 21st century : theoretical renewals /
PK1725 .A22 Lodestar, or, A guide to English translations of some Tagore's poems / 1
PK1725 .A43 1946 Reminiscences / 1
PK1725 .A4313 1975 The diary of a westward voyage / 1
PK1725.A46343 RABINDRANATH TAGORE AND JAMES HENRY COUSINS a conversation in letters. 1
PK1725.A466 1980 Rabīndranāthera Chinnapatrābalī / 1
PK1725 .A468 2003 A difficult friendship : letters of Edward Thompson and Rabindranath Tagore 1913-1940 / 1
PK1725 .A568 Imperfect encounter : letters of William Rothenstein and Rabindranath Tagore, 1911-1941 / 1
PK1725 .A84 1978 Rabindranath through western eyes / 1
PK1725 .B37 2006 Another Asia : Rabindranath Tagore and Okakura Tenshin / 1
PK1725 .C43 1971 Rabindranath Tagore: his mind and art : Tagore's contribution to English literature / 1
PK1725 .D37 2004 Rabindranath Tagore : a biography / 1
PK1725 .D87 1996 Rabindranath Tagore : the myriad-minded man / 1
PK1725 .K4 The lute and the plough : a life of Rabindranath Tagore / 1
PK1725 .L3 Rabindranath Tagore / 1
PK1725 .N29 1978 An introduction to Rabindranath Tagore / 1
PK1725 .O2512 Okāmpora Rabīndranātha / 1