Gita Govinda : los amores del dios Krishna y de la pastora Radha / |
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PK3794.J3 G5 1940
Sri Jayadeva's Gita govinda : the loves of Krṣhṇa & Rádhá / |
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PK3794.J3 G513 2008
Gīta Gōvindam with abhinaya : a rendering of kāvya Sanskrit in roman script, abhinaya Sanskrit in English / |
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PK3794.J3 G518 1971
Gîta Govinda : los amores del dios Krishna y de la pastora Rodha : poema del poeta indio Jayadeva. / |
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PK3794.J3 G53 1977b
Love song of the dark lord : Jayadeva's Gitagovinda / |
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PK3794.J3 G53 2009
Gītagovinda : love songs of Rādhā and Krsna / |
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PK3794.J3 G5668 1977
Le Gītagovinda : tradition et innovation dans le kāvya / |
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PK3794.J3 G5675 1978
Sacred and profane dimensions of love in Indian traditions, as exemplified in the Gītagovinda of Jayadeva / |
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PK3794.J3 G5675 1990
Sacred and profane dimensions of love in Indian traditions as exemplified in the Gītagovinda of Jayadeva / |
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PK3794.J3472 A713 2005
Much ado about religion / |
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PK3794.J45 L5513 2005
The epitome of Queen Līlāvatī / |
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PK3795 .E5 1920
The poems of Kalidasa / |
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PK3795 .E5 1959
Shakuntala and other writings / |
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PK3795 .E5 1984
Theater of memory : the plays of Kālidāsa / |
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PK3795 .E5 1989
The loom of time : a selection of his plays and poems / |
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PK3795 .E5 1989b
Kālidāsa apocrypha / |
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PK3795.S7 ebook
Tres joyas de la lírica erótica sánscrita : el Rtusaṃhāra, el Śṛṅgāratilaka y el Ghaṭakarpara atribuidos al poeta Kālidāsa / |
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PK3796 .K6 1981
Kālidāsa's Kumārasaṃbhava : cantos I-VIII / |
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PK3796.K7 G754 1879
The birth of the war-god : a poem / |
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PK3796.K7 H44 1985
The origin of the young god : Kālidāsa's Kumārasaṃbhava / |
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